Underutilized Plant Species (Acta Horticulturae 1241) Hardback

Underutilized Plant Species (Acta Horticulturae 1241) Hardback

C Ravindran, S K Malik and D Avanzato
5216 5995 (13% off)
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Underutilized plant species are sort of plant in which their potentiality is much more in lieu of food security and medicine in the present context. The present book is a compendium of one hundred four chapters in seven sections which includes scenario of the sector, biodiversity, germplasm conservation and utilization, crop improvement, physiology, biochemistry and biotechnology including nanotechnology, production and management techniques, crop protection, nutritional-security, postharvest processing, socio-economic uplifting of nomadic tribes, value addition and utilization of end products of underutilized plant species.\n This book will be of immense value to students, teachers, researchers , scientists involved in horticulture, fruit science, botany, medicinal plants, plant science and biotechnology.