Principles & Practices of Plant Propagation and Nursery Management (Hardback(

Principles & Practices of Plant Propagation and Nursery Management (Hardback(

C Rajamanickam, A Subbiah, J Rajangam, I Muthuvel, M Tamil Selvam, K S Vijai Selvaraj, P Balasubramanian, T Sivakumar T Ragavan and K Balakrishnan
4257 4950 (14% off)
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The Book entitled "Principles and Practices of Plant Propagation and Nursery Management" is primarily intended to fulfill the need of the B.sc. (Hons.) Horticulture degree and B.sc. (Hons.) Agriculture degree programmes offered in fifferent universities across the country. The book consists of 26 chapters covering all basic and applied aspects of propagation of major horticultural crops as well as nursery management This book in the first treatise of plant propagation and nursery techniques as per the syllabus prescribed by the fifth Dean's committee of higher Agricultural Eduction in India. The Author are optimistic that this book will serve as a text book as well as practical guide to both the students of horticulture and agriculture as well as the extension workers, nursery men and all others associated with production of quality planting materials of horticultural crops. Contents: Introduction of Plant Propagation Nursery Site Selection, Layout and Design Types of Nursery Growing Media Plant Containers, Nursery Tools and Implements Plant Propagation Structures Potting and Repotting Seed Dormancy Polyembryony, Apomixes, Chimeras and Bud Sport Anotamy of Stem and Root Anatomical and Physiological Basis of Root Formation Irrigation Water Quality Plant Growth Regulators in Propagation Propagation Techniques Nursery Plant Health Management Protray or Plug Nursery Fruit Crops Vegetable Crops Spices Plantation Crops Flower Crops Ornamental Plants Medicinal and Aromatic Crops Lawn Forest Trees Guidelines for Nursery Stock Management and Accreditation Glossary References