Processing & Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables (Hardback)

Processing & Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables (Hardback)

Mridula Devi, Deepika Goswami, R K Vishwakarma, Rajpreet Kaur Goraya, Sonmati Ravinder Kumar, Akhoon Asrar Bashir, Navnath Indore and R K Singh
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Processing and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables for Sustainable Growth and Profitability Storage Aspects of Fruits and Vegetables Application of Drying and Dehydration in Fruits and Vegetables Processing Minimal Processing of Fruits and Vegetables Processing and Value Addition of Selected Fruits and Vegetables Mango Apple Guava Amla Tomato Onion Potato Beetroot Carrot Green Chillies Garlic Ginger Financial Evaluation for Establishment of a Fruits and Vegetables ProcessingUnit Machines and Equipments for Fruits and Vegetables Processing Requirements for Processed Products from Fruits and Vegetables (Annexure-I) Food Additives for use in Selected Fruits and Vegetables Products (Annexure-II) Glossary