Participatory Evaluation of Development Initiatives In Conflict Situations: Afghanistan
Amitava Mukherjee
₹2175₹2500(13% off)
The book is an exercise in real life evaluations in conflict situations in Afghanistan. It covers a wide range of situations and development interventions where participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) could be very effective. The book discusses the principles of community-based monitoring and evaluation to set the context in which participatory monitoring and evaluation can be carried out and draws our attention to the quality of participatory monitoring and evaluation. The framework under which participatory monitoring and evaluation can be carried out has been discussed in detail. Application of participatory monitoring and evaluation is demonstrated in a national level development intervention funded by the World Bank and in the evaluation of the Country Strategy of a major Donor that operates internationally, both in conflict situations. Then as a control group, participatory monitoring and evaluation as a real life process in non-conflict situation, namely, programmes under MNREGA is demonstrated in villages in Mirzapur. Finally details of the participatory methods that could be applied in community based monitoring and evaluations have been provided for future use and to facilitate future learnings. The book will be invaluable for students, teachers and trainers of development economics, Government functionaries, functionaries in the development sector, front line development workers and practitioners.