Sericulture in India: A Bioecological Approach

Sericulture in India: A Bioecological Approach

Prem Narayan Tripathi and Raj Narain Tiwari
3516 3995 (12% off)
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Sericulture in India: A Bioecological Approach, is written by both the authors after their many years of teaching, research and work experience in sericulture. The book therefore, is a treatise of first hand information complemented with tables, photographs and line drawings. This book is written in a lucid manner which would be comprehensible to all. The high quality photographs from field in live condition along with the application of detailed graphs, tables and description of original study makes the learning more enriching. It is useful, especially for under graduate and postgraduate students and research scholars of agriculture, sericulture and entomology. Corporate houses and sericulture practitioners can also get a detailed insight of the sericulture industry. This book would function as a course textbook for students, as a practically useful manual for sericulture practitioner and farmers. Because of detailed review of significant prior literature, expensive bibliography and detailed description and explanation of research work it is a treasurable reference book for research scholars, professors and sericulture scientists. Contents: Preface. I. Introduction: 1. Introduction. II. Status of Sericulture Research: 2. Review of literature on sericulture research. III. Methodology and techniques: 3. General principles of mulberry silkworm rearing. 4. Rearing techniques for tasar silkworm. 5. LPG flame gun: an effective tool to contain pebrine in sericulture. 6. Visual selection to contain diseases in tasar culture. 7. Integrated package for seed cocoon preservation and seed production in Antheraea mylitta drury. IV. Espial of the Region and Season: 8. Studies on mulberry silkworm. 9. Studies on tasar silkworm rearing. V. Ecorace based investigations on Tasar Silkworm: 10. The Bhandara ecorace. 11. The Daba ecorace. 12. The Raily ecorace. VI. Sericulture: Present and Future: 13. Seasonal preference in crop performance in mulberry silkworm rearing in Uttar Pradesh. 14. Potential of Chinese oak tasar culture. 15. Suggestions for improvements in methodology and rearing techniques. 16. A discussion on the biological parameters in sericulture. 17. Racial divergence in natural population of tropical tasar silkworm, Antheraea mylitta. 18. A discussion on the seasonal variation in life history traits of Antheraea mylitta in Vidarbha region of Maharashtra. 19. The declining trend in Bhandara and Raily ecoraces: a situation of grave concern. 20. Recommendation to conserve and enhance Bhandara and Raily ecoraces. 21. Stress on life and productivity in silkworms. 22. Seed organisation in Tasar: A new concept. 23. Strategy for race maintenance in tropical tasar. 24. Decline in tasar silk production: analysis and suggestions. 25. Sericulture in India: from traditional agro-forestry to seri-biotechnology. References. Index.