Subclinical nature of infectious diseases and systemic diseases are of greater economic importance for
Poultry industry. The prevention or at least early detection of such diseases are always in favour of farm
economy rather than resorting to their treatment. Any delay in the treatment of such cases or improper
diagnosis may result in irreparable loss and recovered animals may not attain the previous production
levels. Thus it is causing economic loss to the poultry farmer. There is rapid advancement in the poultry
diseases especially in the field of modern methods of diagnosis and therapy. The authors tried to collect
and incorporate good details of information about various infectious and noninfectious diseases of
poultry. Further it is envisaged that the book gives comprehensive and ready information to the field vets
engaged in poultry field and a beginner poultry practioner can also easily understand utilize the contents
for systematic approach in field diagnosis and treatment of the various poultry diseases.More over good
number of pictures are incorporated in the text so that the contents are easily understandable by the reader
and also facilitating the antemortem and postmortem diagnosis of the poultry diseases. A brief note on
disease preventive and control measures especially poultry medication, disease control, biosecurity
measures and prophylactic vaccination schedules might guide field vet to advise the commercial poultry
farmers and backyard poultry owners. Our aim in publishing the book entitled Poultry Medicine is to
provide comprehensive information on systemic diseases which are commonly encountered in poultry
birds. Especially, the contents of the book is helpful for UG students as it is prepared as per the VCI
–MSVE 2016 syllabus as well as a basic information provider to PG students. Thus, we hope that, this
book will serve as a reference to the field Professionals and Veterinary students.