Women, Rights and Law: The Exigent Horizons

Women, Rights and Law: The Exigent Horizons

Dr Shahi Nath Mandal and Dr Tapan Kumar Samanta
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Women, Rights and Law: The Exigent Horizons’ is the result of an extensive work taking reference of the existing position of women, its lacking areas, challenges and prospect of women growth through law in India. The study of available relevant laws is penned in the following ways: Chapter 1: Women and Law, it reveals classical study of the position of women in general and existence, development and empowerment of women in particular under laws, taking into account the prevailing obstructions; Chapter 2: Evolution of Women Rights, this part analyses the development of women rights from vedic period to the modern period including the new age of post-modernism and feminism; Chapter 3: Global Initiatives for Protection of Women Rights, this section critically represents the global legal protections extended to specify and portrait a separate frame of women, their rights and protection globally; Chapter 4: Women Rights and Protection under Indian Constitution, this area of the bookexplains the various constitutional provisions including the provisions of related legislations, which have been contributing in the protection and development of women rights; Chapter 5: Judicial Intervention for Women Rights and Protection,this section analyses the intervention of judiciary through pertinent judicial pronouncements and illustrates as to how the apex court and higher courts have taken positive view in ensuring the rights and protection of women through their interpretations and activism; Chapter 6: Women Rights and Protection under Labour Legislations, this partexplains the provisions of various labour legislations through which the women’s rights have been categorically established and protected; Chapter 7: Women Rights under Specialized Protective Mechanism,this piecedemonstrates the areas and legal provisions of the specialized protective mechanism like National Commission for Women(NCW), National Human Rights Commission(NHRC), Internal Complain Committee(ICC) etc, which are effectively ensuring and protecting women rights; Chapter 8: Women Rights under Personal Law, this area explains the relevant areas which ensures and improves the position and rights of women in personal law areas; Chapter 9: Women Rights and Protection under Criminal Law, this section discusses the various provisions of criminal laws through which the rights of the women have been recognized specifically; Chapter 10: Human Rights of Women in India, this part explains the various human rights of women and their protection under available laws; Chapter 11: Women Rights and Protection: The Paving Ways, this component highlightsnthe obstruction available in the various laws and also expresses the ways to overcome the impediments in law, in order to ensure maximum rights of women with minimum efforts and hindrance in their enjoyment. The authors believe that the students, researchers, teachers and legal practitioners will definitely find a bunch of ideas and resolutions after going through the present creation.