A Handful of Purple Sky: My Second Chance at Life

A Handful of Purple Sky: My Second Chance at Life

Mridula Bajpai
245 250 (2% off)
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When faced with adversity, human beings can either break, or rise from the ashes. A handful of purple sky is the story of a resilient woman who, despite waking up one morning to the terrible news that she had breast cancer, not only fought her fears and apprehensions, but also the illness, to emerge stronger and more determined in the end. The journey, however, was not an easy one. In the September of 2017, radula bajpai was diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer. Before she could comprehend what was unfolding around her, she had to be up and about, getting all kinds of tests done, meeting doctors, trying to understand the challenge life had suddenly thrown her way. In the hustle and bustle that was life, The news of the illness came as a shock. what followed were months of grueling cancer treatment. Radula was left shattered and broken, with the powerful drugs taking a toll on her body – The side effects were many and scary. radula believes that the glass of life is always full and never empty. A handful of purple sky traverses the journey called life, when it brings you at a crossroad, and you can only take one quick decision: to fight, fight and fight till you emerge victorious.