Psychosocial Correlates of HIV/AIDS Infected Persons: An Empirical Analysis

Psychosocial Correlates of HIV/AIDS Infected Persons: An Empirical Analysis

Dr S Sathia and Dr V. Sethuramalingam
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This book is an outcome of the cross-sectional and descriptive study carried out among the HIV/AIDS infected persons in Tiruchirappalli District Tamil Nadu, India. The major focus of this research work is on to find out the socioeconomic background, mental health status in terms of depression, anxiety, stress, hopelessness, life satisfaction, and quality of life of the HIV/AIDS infected persons in addition to the mode of transmission of HIV / AIDS, Years of living with HIV/AIDS, their health status including CD4 Phases, treatment and counselling from ICTC and ART Centres. The analysis was carried out with the help of frequency distribution and cross tabulations with ANOVA, independent sample t-test, correlation, regression and multiple classification analysis. The findings would be helpful to frame suitable policies and programmes not only to address the psychosocial problems of the HIV/AIDS infected persons but also prevent the transmission of HIV/AIDS from person to another person. This book would also serve as a reference guide for the academicians, researchers, administrators as well as the NGOs working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention.