Rachana Shaareera For BAMS (Syllabus Wise Notes on Ayurvedeeya Rachana Shaareera)

Rachana Shaareera For BAMS (Syllabus Wise Notes on Ayurvedeeya Rachana Shaareera)

Dr Dayana H
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Sanskrit and English
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The book is based on the BAMS syllabus. It provides all necessary information regarding. Ayurvedic aspects of Rachana Shaareera, which is required for the students of BAMS. Different syllabus points of the subject, Rachana Shareera are found to be scattered in different parts of the Samhita. Even though reading different Samhita is necessary for having in-depth knowledge in all subjects of BAMS, students of the 1st year being new to the subject, may find it difficult to extract these points from different Samhita. Hence all the necessary points needed are collected and included under each syllabus points in this book. Additional points are included other than that in the BAMS syllabus. Hence the postgraduate students of Rachana Shareera will also be benefitted from the book. Attempts have been made to include maximum references regarding various aspects of Rachana Shaareera. The Sanskrit terms are written in Sanskrit itself, so that students can read and understand the terms without any confusion. The language is kept simple and Sanskrit terms are clearly explained.