Liberal Theory of the State

Liberal Theory of the State

Naresh Dadhich
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After John Rawls argued that justice should be the basis of a liberal state, liberal theory swirls around justice, its various interpretations, its limitations, and its well-grounded reason. Around 2010, the cracks in the invincibility of liberalism became visible. Receding democracy, rising conservatism, identity politics, protectionism, curtailment of freedom, rise of authoritarian leadership, and crisis in governance are contributing in the decline of liberalism in the recent times. Are we heading towards post-liberal world or we need to reorient the philosophical bases of liberalism to rejuvenate it? The book deals with these new trends with a fresh approach and provides a possible solution for saving human values of individual dignity, freedom, equality, fraternity, and peace by exploring the possibility of replacing justice by ahimsa as the philosophical basis of a humanitarian state. CONTENTS • Idea of Limit on the State • Procedure of Limit on the State • Challenge to the State • Pressure on the State • Foundation of the State • The Crisis of the State • A Theory of the State