Subaltern Studies In Contemporary Indian English Literature

Subaltern Studies In Contemporary Indian English Literature

Edited by Dr Premila Swamy D and Dr Sanjay N Shende
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This book titled Subaltern Studies in Contemporary Indian English Literature presents a critical dialogue between the conceptual analytical legacies within the framework of subaltern theory and the evolving forms of hegemony and resistance in contemporary Indian literature in English. From Dalit writings to tribal musings, the essays in this volume cover a diverse range of ongoing struggle against power monopoly, marginalization and stigma that are unfolding in upcoming writers from the Indian subcontinent. The volume consisting of 20 collective essays from various researchers across academic platform analyses the diverse forms of agency to negotiate with the hegemonic power discourses that pushes one to the margins. The essays interrogate, negate and create a dialogue to foreground the various dimensions that become a part of subalternity in the contemporary Indian context. The objective of this collection of essays is to delve deep into the subaltern consciousness and voice for the underprivileged class and gender that are undermined, speechless and unnoticed in the pages of Indian history.