This book titled Manju Kapur: A Postmodern Critical Reading offers critical insights into the works of Manju Kapur, a contemporary South Asian writer from the Indian subcontinent. This book offers deep analysis of Manju Kapur's works from a postmodern and postmodern feminist critical school of thought. Considering the tenets set by postmodern thinkers and drawing inferences from discourses led by Michael Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Jean Lyotard, Edward Said, Lucy Iragary, Judith Butler and other philosophers, the present work on Kapur provides critical analysis on gender and identity as observed under postmodern tendencies. Diverging from identity politics to gender subjectivities and drawing parallel attention to sexual orientation, this book provides an enriching and fresh reading of Kapur's works. This book aptly situates Manju Kapur as a postmodern liberal feminist and would prove valuable to all academicians and emerging scholars of literature.