Scientific Research Primer

Scientific Research Primer

K Mustafa
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The Book Research is a purpose-driven, formalized curiosity and inquisitive method. The right outcomes are ensured by the right purpose, context, and processes. As a result, researchers must be able to quickly grasp scientific research foundational methodology and apply it correctly in their investigations. The title has been brought to the audience on the persistent feeling of an unfilled gap by the author, his colleagues, and students. It is an introductory text intended to develop a contextual understanding of the foundations of scientific conduct of research, across the discipline. The text in hand is primarily targeted at students pursuing, or aspiring into, a research program at a doctoral, pre-doctoral, or master’s level. Though it is developed as a must-read text, any research aspirant should find it useful irrespective of his research topic, the field of study, stage of work, or institutional attachment. The contents covered attempt to introduce the readers to the essentials needed to think, conceptualize, plan, design, and conduct like a modern methodical researcher. Further, teachers and students may find this a text for a semester-length course on research methodology, and a reference guide in improving their understanding of how research is set up and conducted. 1. Research Primitives 2. Scientific Studies 3. Research Paradigms 4. Research Process Models 5. Research Classifications 6. Scientific Methods 7. Research Instruments 8. Research Professionalism About the Author Prof. K. Mustafa is an IIT Delhi alumnus who is currently employed at a central university. He has extensive experience teaching and researching at the university level. During his long career, he also spent five years teaching at various universities around the world. Software quality assurance, information management, e-learning, and scientific research methods are among his areas of interest. He has two co-authored book publications entitled ‘Software Q