It is known that oil paintings are complicated, multi-layered structures. They are even more complicated because the material used in them varies from painting to painting, from one period to subsequent period and also from one school of art to another school of art. It is, therefore, only to be expected that the causes of decoration of oil paintings will depend on its particulars structure and o the materials used in building such a structure. The nature, extent, type and rate of decay, in any two paintings, are therefore seldom alike and so are their treatments for restoration. There was, so far, no single book available in which all the relevant aspects of Conservation and Restoration of Oil Paintings were discussed. This book is an attempt to fill these lacunae and is expected to benefit not only the Conservators but also the Curators. This book also attempts to outline the historical developments of different materials and techniques used in Restoration. The First Three chapters deal with lining and structural repair, cleaning of paintings and in-painting techniques. To these are added two more dealing with scientific examination and preventive conservation. For the serious readers and appendix on adhesives in restoration of paintings is expected to be of much use. A survey on contemporary materials and techniques used in the examination and Lining of Paintings in deferent museum laboratories in the world adds much to the usefulness of this book. The Author has long been associated in the profession and it is expected that this book, resulting mostly out of his own experiences, will benefits others, Conservators, Curators and art Connoisseurs, in this noble task of Conservation and Restoration of a major part of our Cultural Heritage.