Bulbous and rhizomatous plants constitute an important group of ornamentals. Considering attractive flowers and foliage, these plants extensively planted in all types of ornamental gardens. They are grown as pot plants and bedding purpose. The group is very large containing various genera and species. Morphological variation with regard to vegetative growth and flowering is enormous. Moreover, cultural requirement and flowering season are also different. It is very difficult for the amateur gardeners to select right type of plant for a specific garden and to grow them successfully. Therefore, availability of concise technical information on various aspects of these plants for the common people is a primary requirement. At present, there is no such book which provides all these information in simple form highlighting all aspects. Therefore, it was thought that an exclusive book on Bulbous and rhizomatous plants is an absolutely necessary. We approached a large group of scientists, researchers, teachers, scholars to write chapters on different plants who agreed to do so. As a result, the first volume of the book is ready. All together, 14 important commercial plants / crops involved in floricultural trade viz. Alpinia, Amaryllis, Bigonia, Costus, Cyclamen, Gladiolus, Glory Lily, Hemerocallis, Lilium, Lotus, Nymphaea, Spider Lily, Tuberose and Water Hyacinth have been included in this volume. Information on various aspects has been provided citing latest research work done. By that way the book is most updated at the current time. We are sure that this book will be a guide book on Bulbous and rhizomatous plants for horticulturists, students, researchers and teachers as well. We congratulate all authors for their hard work contributing chapters for this book. Our sincere acknowledgement and gratitude to Dr. Rupak De, Former Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & Head of Forest Force, Uttar Pradesh for writing ‘Foreword’ of the book.