Novel and Sustainable Strategies for Nematode Management

Novel and Sustainable Strategies for Nematode Management

P Parvatha Reddy
3780 4295 (12% off)
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The information is very much scattered and there is no book at present which comprehensively and exclusively deals with the above aspects. The present book on “Novel and Sustainable Strategies for Nematode Management” provides information on various aspects of economic, eco-friendly and socially acceptable nematode management strategies. This book deals with an overview of plant parasitic nematodes and the emerging nematode problems. It gives the detailed description of nematode management strategies such as regulatory (plant quarantine and seed certification), physical (hot water treatment of seeds and planting material and soil solarization), cultural (crop rotation, intercropping, fallowing, time of planting and harvesting, mulching, biofumigation, and organic amendments), chemical (nematicides, site specific nematode management and nanotechnology), biological (nematophagous fungi, bacteria, endomycorrhizae, and predaceous nematodes), host resistance (conventional plant breeding, genetic engineering, genome editing, and grafting on resistant rootstocks) and integrated management methods (integrated and biointensive integrated practices). This book will be of immense value to scientific community involved in teaching, research and extension activities related to nematode management strategies. The material can be used for teaching post-graduate courses in the field of plant protection. The book can also serve as a very useful reference to policy makers and practicing farmers.