Commercial Plant Breeding - 2 Field Crops Part 1 Commercial Plant Breeding Concepts and Regulatory Issues, Part 2 Commercial Breeding of Field Crops

Commercial Plant Breeding - 2 Field Crops Part 1 Commercial Plant Breeding Concepts and Regulatory Issues, Part 2 Commercial Breeding of Field Crops

Hari Har Ram
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The present book entitled “Commercial Plant Breeding- 2- Field Crops” is in continuation with earlier book Commercial Plant Breeding-1-Vegetable Crops. Part-I of this book contains 11 chapters dealing with basic understanding of Commercial Plant Breeding, R&D structure in commercial organizations like private seed companies, field crops seed business, international agricultural research centres working on field crops improvement and a few most pertinent seed related regulations and global status of commercialized GM crops. Part-II of the book deals with commercial plant breeding of 14 major crops of commercial interest with emphasis on genomics, phenomics, field level hybrid seed production and varieties and hybrids having significant acreage from both public and private sectors. The field crops included are rice, wheat, maize, pearl millet, sorghum, pigeonpea, chickpea, green gram, black gram, lentil, soybean, groundnut, rapeseed-mustard and Bt cotton. Besides, there is a comprehensive glossary and updated list of references. The book is intended for wide section of students for courses on commercial field crop breeding and as a useful reference book for the professionals across institutes and seed industries. Contents: Part I - Commercial Plant Breeding Concepts and Regulatory Issues 1. Commercial Crop Breeding-Concepts and Historical Developments 2. Seed Business 3. Commercial Plant Breeding Programme 4. Release and Notification of Field Crops Varieties in India 5. Seed Act-1966 6. Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act 2001 7. Biological Diversity Act-2002 8. DUS Testing and Registration of Crop Varieties 9. All India Coordinated Research Projects 10. International Agricultural Research Centres on Field Crops 11. Commercialized GM Crops Part II - Commercial Breeding of Field Crops 12. Rice 13. Wheat 14. Maize 15. Pearl Millet 16. Sorghum 17. Pigeonpea 18. Chickpea 19. Green Gram 20. Black Gram 21. Lentil 22. Soybean 23. Groundnut 24. Rapeseed and Mustard 25. Bt Cotton Hari Har Ram : Former Professor, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar-263 145, Uttarakhand, India Former Head,Department of Vegetable Science, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Udham Singh Nagar-263 145, Uttarakhand, India Former Vice President, Krishidhan Vegetable Seeds, Pune, Maharashtra, India Former FAO Consultant (Myanmar, Libya, DPR Korea)