Leave No One Behind - Behind the SDG of India: Reflection of the SDGs in the Indian Constitution

Leave No One Behind - Behind the SDG of India: Reflection of the SDGs in the Indian Constitution

Dr Sanjoy Sarkar
1752 1990 (12% off)
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Human development is the prime agenda of the social units irrespective of their, size, location and the mode of governance. In this connection, the sovereign governments of the respective countries and their unions are planning different human development irrespective of their race, gender, age, area and religion. This approach of human development are inevitable part of the Constitution or the similar institutions of the respective countries. In the other side, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), that is a union of countries, which was basically formed for increasing human wellbeing. The inclusive development is the approach of twenty-first century of the UNDP, where the member nations are committed to implement the development agenda of UNDP. So, the respective countries under UNDP are bound to redefine and include new provision into the developmental provisions and thereafter it became as the shared responsibilities to all to 'leave no one behind'. The SDG was framed in a more strategic manner. It is success oriented and its goal, indicators and strategy of implementation are planned on the basis of the experiences of success and limitations during implementations of the MDG during its period 2001-2015. Again, as per SDG India Baseline Report, 2018, the government India had played a significant role to formulate the goals and indicators of the SDG and the success of the overall SDG is very much dependent on the success of the SDG in India. In this connection government of India introduced various policies along with existing policies to develop the overall human conditions as framed in the SDG. Apart from that, the government of India has amended the Constitution as per requirement of the human development in a dynamic way. As per the convention, the NITI Aayog of the Government of India annually publish a report on overall strength, weakness and success of the SDG by compiling the data of all policies from every States, Departments and the ministries. The book is designed from the data of SDG India Baseline Report, 2018 and the Constitutional provision to monitor the SDG. The author has formulated a method to measures the expected performance of India by the reported score on the SDG-16, that is, 'peace, justice and strong institution' to realize the present situation of implementation of the SDG in India to decide what to do for confirming the slogan 'leave no one behind' from this inclusive development agenda 'SDG'. CONTENTS Preface......... 11 Chapter Summary/Overview of the Book........ 13 Abbreviations.............. 17 Acknowledgements............ 25 List of Tables..................... 29 1. Introduction.................. 35 2. The Peace as the Key to Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals 57 3. The Constitution of India – The Dynamic Peace Making Institution.. 75 4. An Observation of Civil Society on SDGs.............................................. 169 5. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-1, No Poverty.................. 185 6. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-2, Zero Hunger............... 205 7. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-3, Good Health and Well-being............. 223 8. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-4, Quality Education..... 241 9. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-5, Gender Equality........ 263 10. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-6, Clean Water and Sanitation.............. 281 11. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-7, Affordable and Clean Energy................. 295 12. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-8, Decent Work and Economic Growth 309 13. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG–9, Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure............. 327 14. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-10, Reduced Inequalities....... 345 15. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-11, Sustainable Cities and Communities....... 363 16. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-12, Sustainable Consumption and Production....... 379 17. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-13, Climate Action........ 391 18. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-14, Life Bellow Water.. 403 19. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-15, Life and Land.......... 415 20. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-16, Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions 431 21. Initiative and Performance of India in SDG-17, Partnerships for the Goals........ 449 22. Conclusion................ 467 References........... 483 Index............ 491