Her Story: Essays on Women's History in Honour of Professor Geraldine Forbes
Edited by Bhaswati Chatterjee and Aparna Bandopadhyay
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This volume is a festschrift for Professor Geraldine Forbes, a great scholar and pioneer of women’s history in South Asia, who completed fifty years of her association with India in December 2019. Professor Forbes is Distinguished Teaching Professor Emerita, Department of History, State University of New York Oswego, and Executive Director, Women’s Founder Collective. Professor Forbes has been working tirelessly for the last five decades toretrieve the lost voices of Indian women and visibilise those who have hitherto remained ‘hidden from history’. In her forays into Indian women’s unknown and ignored past, she has availed new and unconventional sources like oral history, diaries, memoirs and photographs, redefining the methods and canons of historical scholarship and challenging the androcentric bias of mainstream history in an unprecedented way. Professor Forbes has been an unflagging source of inspiration and guidance for generations of researchers who have been encouraged to traverse the path she has broken and carry forward her legacy of brilliant scholarship in this field.