Precision Agriculture and Sustainable Crop Production

Precision Agriculture and Sustainable Crop Production

Edited by H K Chourasia, Krishnendu Acharya and Vivek Kumar Singh
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The importance of plant diseases in terms of causing restrictions to global food production is well understood. Modern high input monocropping based intensive agriculture has resulted in loss of biodiversity, outbreaks of pests and diseases, degradation of soil and water which has ultimately led to decline in agricultural production and productivity. Climate changes are becoming a major factor in the present scenario. The analysis of potential impacts of climate change on plant diseases is therefore essential for the adoption of adaptation measures, as well for the development of resistant cultivars, new control methods or adapted techniques, in order to avoid more serious losses. Accelerated climate change affects components of complex biological interactions differentially, often causing changes that are difficult to predict. Crop yield and quality are affected by climate change directly and indirectly through diseases that themselves will change but remain important. This proceedings volume of the International Conference consists of 33 review articles/ research papers contributed by well known researchers on Precision Agriculture and Sustainable Crop Production.