North-East India: From Diwani Grant to Anti-British Resistance

North-East India: From Diwani Grant to Anti-British Resistance

Himen Das
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This book contains mainly an account of first thirteen Anti-British Resistances (ABRS) in North-East India (NEI) covering a period of twenty years (1774-1794). It also highlights the Diwani Grant of 1765, as a result of which, the said ABRS turned to be the bitter history in NEI. Besides the ABRS, the readers will get here the descriptive glimpses of the European visits which took place in NEI from the time of Venetian traveler Nicolo de Conti (1395-1469) to the expedition of Captain Welsh, the British Commander-in-Chief of the detachment deputed to NEI (1792-94). Moreover, this book depicts light on the after effects of the immediate withdrawal of the British detachment from NEI in 1794 under the orders of Sir John Shore, the Governor General—leading mainly to three Burmese invasions in 1817, 1819 and 1821, resulting a ‘period of devastation’ in this North-East corner of India. Thus, this book is worth to be studied by the history-loving people in general as well as the research scholars in particular.