This volume is divided into eleven chapters. Chapter 1 discusses succinctly the scope of the study, its objectives and the approach to the problem. Chapter 2 deals with the methods of selection of sample from the general population as well as Scheduled Caste population from the three distinct divisions of Gujarat. It also illustrates the procedure of selection of the samples for the prospective study on causes of infant deaths.
Chapter 3 deals with some of the background characteristics of the population of Gujarat which may be having a direct bearing on the levels of infant mortality as well as its level of development. This chapter has been divided into two parts. Part I deals with the general characteristics of the population of Gujarat, their food pattern, geographical location, cultural heritage and economy, while Part II, based on the survey data, indicates the specific socio-economic and demographic characteristics of the population.
Chapter 4, besides establishing a comparative socio-economic level of Gujarat vis-a-vis the other major States of India, discusses various State wise estimates of infant mortality rates and pinpoints the actual position of Gujarat's IMR compared to that in other states of India.
Chapter 5 is devoted to the estimation of current level of infant mortality and fertility of the general population and the Scheduled Caste population of rural Gujarat, and that of Baroda city. It also provides independent estimates of current IMR and fertility level of the three rural divisions of Gujarat.
Chapter 6 weaves together the findings of several studies regarding the influence of various factors on infant mortality. Based on the analysis of the present data, it also tries to identify the demographic, biological, social, health and environmental factors influencing the level of infant mortality in Gujarat.
Chapter 7 examines the extent of utilization of maternal and child health services in different regions of Gujarat. It also studies the breast-feeding practices, associated with the care of the children, in these regions of Gujarat. Chapter 8 reviews the nutritional status for different regions and communities of Gujarat, while Chapter 9 deals with the levels of environmental sanitation and personal hygiene
Besides focusing attention on the maternal and child health care, environmental sanitation and personal hygiene, and nutritional status, the study goes a step further and attempts to obtain medical causes of infant deaths based an WHO classification. These specific causes of infant deaths were obtained from a prospective study, for a period of one year, and they are discussed separately in Chapter 10. Finally, the 11th Chapter, while summarizing the report, tries to weave together the important findings and conclusions of the entire study
Contents -
1. Introduction
2. Study Design
3. Characteristics of the Population
4. Level of Development and Infant Mortality in Gujarat vis-a-vis other Major States of India
5. Current Level of Infant Mortality and Fertility
6. Determinants of Infant Mortality
7. Maternal and Child Health Care
8. Nutritional Status
9. Environmental Sanitation and Personal Hygiene
10. Specific Causes of Infant Death : Prospective Analyses
11. Summary and Conclusions