1. Introduction
a. Entomology-Definition and Scope of Entomology
b. Position of Insects in Animal Kingdom
c. Relationship of Subphylums with Insects and Arthropoda
d. Recent Research Developments in Understanding Insect Evolution
2. Insect Dominance
a. Origin and Dominance of Insects in the Animal Kingdom
b. Dominance of Insects
c. Factors Responsible for Insect Dominance
3. History of Entomology in India
4. General Structure of a Typical Insect—Body Division and Segmentation
5. Structure and Functions of Body Wall
a. Structure and Functions of Integument
b. Chemical Composition and Processes in Cuticle
c. Sulci and Sutures
d. Cuticular Invaginations
e. Primary and Secondary Segmentation
f. Outgrowths of Cuticle
g. Functions of Exoskeleton
6. Moulting or Ecdysis in Insects
7. Morphology of Insect Head and its Appendages
a. Insect head- Segments
b. Structure of a Generalized Insect Head
c. Tentorium
d. Types of Insect Head
e. Appendages of Head
i. Mouthparts –General Structure and Modification
ii. Antenna –General Structure and Modification
8. Insect Thorax–Structure and Modification In Appendages
a. General Structure of Notum, Pleuron and Sternum
b. Thoracic Appendages and their Modification
i. Legs - General structure and modification
ii. Wings - General structure and modification
9. Abdomen and its Appendages
10. Metamorphosis and Study of Immature Stages
11. Communication in Insects
a. Light Production
b. Insect Pheromones
c. Honey Bee Dances
d. Sound Production
12. Digestive System
13. Excretory System
14. Circulatory System
15. Respiratory System
16. Nervous System
17. Reproductive System
18. Sensory Organs in Insects
19. Glandular System
20. Dormancy in Insects ...
21. Insect Systematics
a. Introduction to Taxonomy and Systematics
b. Nomenclature
c. Objective of ICZN – Homonyms and Synonyms
d. Procedure Followed for Identification and Naming a New Species
e. Type Concept in Nomenclature
f. Brief History of Insect Classification
g. Modern Scheme of Classification of Superclass Hexapoda as Given
by Kristensen
22. Insect Collection and Preservation
a. Insect collection
b. Killing
c. Labelling
d. Preservation
23. Entognatha or Non Insectan Hexapoda
a. Class Ellipura – 1. Order Protura and 2. Order Collembola
b. Class Diplura – 3. Order Diplura
Ectognatha : Class Insecta
a. Subclass Archeaognatha : 4. Order Archeaognatha
b. Subclass Dicondylia
c. Infraclass Thysanura : 5. Order Thysanura
24. Infraclass Pterygota: Paleopteran Orders ..
a. 6. Order Ephemeroptera
b. 7. Order Odonata
25. Infraclass Pterygota - Polyneopteran Orders
a. 8. Order Orthoptera
b. 9. Order Phasmatodea
c. 10. Order Blattodea
d. 11. Order Notoptera
e. 12. Order. Dermaptera
f. 13. Order Plecoptera
g. 14. Order Embioptera
h. 15. Order Zoraptera
i. 16. Order Mantodea
26. Study of Paraneopteran Orders
a. 17. Order Hemiptera
b. 18. Order Thysanoptera
c. 19. Order Psocoptera
d. 20. Order. Phthiraptera
27. Study of Section Neuropterida
a. 21. Order Neuroptera
b. 22. Order Megaloptera
c. 23. Order Raphidioptera
28. Study of Section Coleopterida
a. 24. Order Coleoptera
b. 25. Order Strepsiptera
29. Study of Section Mecopterida: Superorder Antliophora
a. 26. Order Mecopetera
b. 27. Order Siphonaptera
c. 28. Order Diptera
30. Study of Superorder Amphiesmenoptera
a. 29. Order Trichoptera
b. 30. Order Lepidoptera
31. Section Hymenoptera
a. 31. Order Hymenoptera