The book “New Vistas in Entomology” has been designed to address the emerging areas in Entomology. A brief outline of each and every chapter has been introduced.
Arthropod allergens are the most important but underestimated cause of respiratory diseases. The saliva of parasitic insects and mites/ticks and the venom of stinging insects
contain an array of immunogenic, immune-modulating, and other pharmacologically active molecules. Automation techniques in Entomology based on computer based softwares and
identification app will help the stakeholders in identifying beneficial insects and pests thereby helping in better understanding of the relationships between crop species and
different pollinator insect pollinators. Bioremediation of pesticides has been viewed as a more effective and environmentally benign green technology since it results in partial or
complete bioconversion of the organic pollutants to microbial biomass and stable non-toxic end-products. Advances in insect biotechnology or yellow biotechnology deals with how
best it can make the natural substances available to mankind and has considerable economic potential. It is a key factor for the propagation of biodiversity for the bio-economy. RNAi
technology can be particularly vulnerable to those insects that are insensitive to current Bt crops or/and Bt does not work very well such as such as sucking pest, aphids, white
flies, plant hoppers and ticks and mites. The ultimate objective to study the “mechanisms of plant defense against herbivores and their relation to natural enemies and insecticides
is to get good yield and returns by reducing pest attack and need based utilization of insecticides. Ageing in insects or Senescence is a natural phenomenon and deûned as a
decline in performance and ûtness with advancing age. The insight that life span in flies, nematodes and mice can be predictably extended in a laboratory context, however,
contributed greatly to reinvigorate ageing research. Choreography or dancing patterns in insects is an important tool of communication in insect world. Mostly it is used for food
foraging, finding mates, predation, facilitating different tasks etc. Memory is defined as the acquisition and retention of neuronal representations of new information, are ubiquitous
among insects. Insects rely extensively on learning and memory for all major life activities including feeding, predator avoidance, aggression, social interactions, and sexual behavior.
The insect genomic databases are resources with information on all the proteins, biochemical and physiological processes of an insect. With rapid advancing technology and reducing
cost of sequencing, genomic data are generated routinely in huge amount. Insect robotic is an emerging and new concept of robotic science which deals with the designing and
manufacturing of insect inspired robots particularly, based on complete understanding of insect physiology, neurobiology and behavioral pattern they emitted in various habitat and
situation. Global warming is potentially altering community structure and the ecological roles of several species in maintaining ecosystem processes and services. Potential adaptation
strategies could be developing IPM with more emphasis on biological control and changes in cultural practices, pest forecasting using recent techniques such as simulation modelling
and alternate production techniques. Eusociality in insects, the highest level of organization of animal sociality, is defined by the following characteristics: overlapping generations,
cooperative brood care, philopatry and reproductive altruism. Thermoregulation in insects is the ability to keep their body temperature within certain boundaries, even when the
surrounding temperature is very different. Thermoregulation in insects maintain body temperature at levels which best serves survival and reproduction, and it encompasses
numerous conflicting constraints and selective pressures. Irradiation is possibly the most widely applicable treatment for commodity disinfestations. It is effective with the broad
spectrum of pests that infest stored products, perishable food and non food commodities. Irradiation has been investigated as a means of disinfesting a wide variety of stored foods
(e.g. herbs and spices, wheat, rice, dried fruit and nuts, beans, lentils, coffee beans and dried fish) and non food commodities (e.g.. cigarettes, hay, jute, wood products, bee hives
and potting soils). Biosecurity is a strategic and integrated approach to analyze and manage relevant risks in the sectors of food safety, animal life and plant life and health,
including associated environment. Developing countries, focusing on to maximum food production to meet the requirement of large number of population and to gain maximum
profit, in this context if the bio-security program continues to receive inadequate attention across people then unaffordable loss to global environment, agriculture and biodiversity
would take place. Poor practices in agriculture can favour biosecurity threats, and directly have an impact on public health or threaten food security. Insects are found to experience
hypoxia in many habitats and under a variety of physiological conditions with significant effect on insect life systems. As a mark of evolution, insects are able to exhibit several
adaptations that allow them to handle more or less severe hypoxic condition of aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Hypoxia is a situation where animals finds insufficient O2 supply
to meet the demand of normal metabolic activities of animals including insects, which many a times led to a catastrophic extinction of many species at the end of the Permian
Period. Invasive insect pests cost the agricultural industry billions of dollars annually in crop losses. There is a need to establish Emergency Plant Pest Incursion Management
Protocols to combat further invasion of alien species. DNA barcodes for biosecurity is applicable for invasive species identification. Innovation pest detection strategies such as
environmental DNA (eDNA), combined with predators improve sampling and surveillance. Molecular gastronomy is a branch of science concerned with the study of physical and
chemical transformations of edible materials during cooking, and the sensory phenomena associated with their consumption.
The language in this book is made simple in order to pursue by all kinds of stakeholders and is aimed at catering the needs of the beginners as well as professionals.