This book titled “Advanced Technologies for Milk and Milk Products” is being published by an author who has practically witnessed the dramatic developmental changes in Indian Dairy Industry in recent times. The growth of Indian Dairy Industry is very impressive since seventies. Co-operative structure where farmers own the milk business strengthened all across the country. Today, milk is the topmost agricultural crop in India, the value being more than paddy and wheat put together. Liberalized economy lead to growth of private sectorin dairy industry too and grown significantly. India has successfully adopted advanced technologies like UHT and Aseptic Technology, Membrane Processing and Fermentation Technologies. The author with his vast industry expertise in the said technologies has outlined in detail. Author has also covered the subject of Whey Products. Author has rightfully included information onRegulatory aspects besides Quality Management Systems. Other important information provided in this book is narration about chemical andbacteriologicaltest procedures forready application. I am sure the publication would fill the gap by providing insights into relevant technologies for utilization by the dairyman across the country.
Contents: Introduction ............................................................................................ 1
Breeds of Milch Animals in India
Cow Milk and Buffaloes Milk Variations
Micro-organisms in Milk
Milk Collection-Transportation and Reception
Fluid Milk Products ............................................................................ 59
Pasteurized Market Milk
Recombined Milk
UHT Milk
Milk Separation ................................................................................ 107
Cream Separation
Principles of Butter Making
Evaporated Milk and Dry Milk Products .................................... 133
Evaporated Milk
Sweetened Condensed Milk
Dry Milk Products
Milk Protein ........................................................................................ 165
Casein-The Milk Protein
Whey and Whey Products
Fermented Dairy Products ............................................................... 185
Dahi, Lassi and Butter Milk
Shrikhand Mishti Doi
Functional Foods
Analysis of Fermented Milks
Traditional Dairy Products .............................................................. 257
Chhana & Rasogolla
Ice-Cream and Frozen Desserts ....................................................... 285
Cheese and Cheese Products ........................................................... 307
Cheese Products
Membrane Processes and New Generation Dairy Technologies................... 331
Membrane Processes
New Generation Dairy Technologies
Dairy Plant Automation................................................................... 345
Regulations for Product Standards and Labelling Under FSSAI ...................................... 357
Management Systems for Safety and Quality............................ 399
Management Systems for Safety and Quality
Quality Assurance
Scheme of Testing for Milk and Milk Products
Bacteriological analysis of Milk and Milk Products
Plant Cleaning and Sanitation ....................................................... 497
Technical Inputs to Professionals................................................... 513
Technical Inputs to Professionals
Reduction of Losses in Dairy Plants
Pricing of Milk
Annexures .............................................. 541
BIS Standards of Dairy Interest ....................................................... 541
Buyers Guide to Food Additives and Ingredients ....................... 546
References ............................................................................................ 549
About the Author: Dr. Srihari Rao Koneru is a Post-Graduate in Dairy Technology. He was a direct student of late Prof. James N. Warner, Doyen of Dairy Education in India. Dr. Rao has five decades of expertise in dairy industry in various capacities. Served AP Dairy Industry in different Disciplines, Farmer’s Organization & Milk Procurement, Production and Quality Control besides management. Designed, organized, successfully managed Aseptic Packaging Station including launching of UHT Cream for the first time in India. Served as General Manager and Chief Executive at Vijayawada Dairy Complex. Dr. Rao represented organizations as member of BIS sectional committee. Active participant in technical seminars/workshops at Regional/National level. Published several Technical Articles in National & International Journals