Ethnomedicinal Plants of India

Ethnomedicinal Plants of India

Dinesh Jadhav
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India is rich in floristic as well as ethnic diversity. In India, 68 million people belonging to 227 ethnic group and comprising of 573 tribal communities spread over 19% of the total area of the nation. There are 45,000 species of wild plant out of which 9,500 species are ethnobotanically important species. Of these 7,500 species are in medicinal use for indigenous health practices. Ethnobotanical work done in India in the last few decades has led to the publication of inventories and documentation of plants and their products used by the aboriginals for various purposes. Ethnobotanical studies in different regions and pertaining to different tribes of India were taken up; which is served as a real and true introduction to Indian ethnobotany. There are many more books have been written under heading medicinal and ethnomedicinal plants of India, but those books could not fulfil all the requirements of research scholar and readers. The present book is focused on Ethnomedicinal plants of India. The present book deals with 549 plants used by the tribal communities in India for curing their ailments. About the Author: Dinesh Jadhav, Born 1975. He obtained his M. Sc. (1999) and Ph. D. (2008) from Vikram University, Ujjain (M. P.). Published 155 research Papers in National and International periodicals. He is also an author of following 8 books- Medicinal plants of India: A Guide to Ayurvedic & Ethnomedicinal uses of Plants (Vol.-I); Medicinal plants of India: A Guide to Ayurvedic & Ethnomedicinal uses of Plants (Vol.-II); Medicinal plants of India: A Guide to Ayurvedic & Ethnomedicinal uses of Plants (Vol.-III), Medicinal plants of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh, Ethnobotany of Bhil tribe, Medicinal plants of Madhya Pradesh, Medicinal Value of Indian Weed Plants and Notable plants in ethnomedicine of Madhya Pradesh.