Birds of Coimbatore explores birds that are found over the Coimbatore district in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The Coimbatore district is rich in biodiversity, with the magnificent Western Ghats providing the forest cover. The district has varied habitats that are ideal for the birds specialising in different habitats. 409 bird species are covered in this revised and improved second edition with details that are essential to have a basic understanding of each species. The details include the Tamil name, habitat icons, a link to a webpage with calls and songs, and brief a description of the bird, among other necessary information. The count of 409 is one of the top figures for the state of Tamil Nadu among its various districts. Of these, 129 are migratory species and the rest are residents and local migrants. A detailed checklist of these birds is also provided. For the local and visiting birding community seeking to know various birding hotspots around this wonderful region, a detailed birding hotspot section listing 40 places is provided. Each hotspot is provided with a GPS location, details on how to reach the place and what important birds can be sighted from each hotspot. Safety checks and forest department permission are required for a significant number of these places. For beginners, an Introduction to Birds, and Birding are included.