Post-Harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables

Post-Harvest Management and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables

Kartik Pramanik, Chinmaya Jena, Priyadarshani P Mohapatra and Jyostnarani Pradhan
2043 2295 (11% off)
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1. Identification of Different Tools, Utensils, Equipment, Preservatives and Other Food Additives 2. Different Types of Maturity Indices in Fruits and Vegetables 3. Methods to Determine the Maturity Stages of Fruits and Vegetables 4. Maturity Indices of Different Fruits and Vegetables 5. Study About Storage Life of Fruits and Vegetables 6. Application of Different Types of Packaging Containers for Shelf-Life Extension 7. Demonstration of Chilling and Freezing Injury in Vegetables and Fruits 8. Extraction and Preservation of Pulp and Juices 9. Study and Preparation of Tomato Products 10. Study and Preparation of Jam 11. Study and Preparation of Jelly 12. Preparation of Mixed Fruit Jam 13. Study and Preparation of Marmalade 14. Study and Preparation of Potato Chips 15. Study about Beverages 611. Identification of Different Tools, Utensils, Equipment, Preservatives and Other Food Additives 2. Different Types of Maturity Indices in Fruits and Vegetables 3. Methods to Determine the Maturity Stages of Fruits and Vegetables 4. Maturity Indices of Different Fruits and Vegetables 5. Study About Storage Life of Fruits and Vegetables 6. Application of Different Types of Packaging Containers for Shelf-Life Extension 7. Demonstration of Chilling and Freezing Injury in Vegetables and Fruits 8. Extraction and Preservation of Pulp and Juices 9. Study and Preparation of Tomato Products 10. Study and Preparation of Jam 11. Study and Preparation of Jelly 12. Preparation of Mixed Fruit Jam 13. Study and Preparation of Marmalade 14. Study and Preparation of Potato Chips 15. Study about Beverages 16. Study and Preparation of Orange Juice 17. Study and Preparation of Lemon Squash 18. Study and Preparation of RTS (Ready- To- Serve) 19. Study and Preparation of Pineapple Syrup 20. Study and Preparation of Preserve Products 21. Study and Preparation of Fruit Bar/ Leather 22. Study and Preparation of Canned Products 23. Study and Preparation of Pickle 24. Study and Preparation of Rose Water 25. Study and Preparation of Rose Powder 26. Quality Evaluation of Products: Physico-chemical and Sensory 27. Determination of Lycopene Content in Fruits and Vegetables 28. Determination of Total Carotenoids in Fruits and Vegetables 29. Determination of Curcumin Content 30. Estimation of Starch and Soluble Sugar Content by Anthrone Reagent 31. Estimation of Protein Contents in Fruits and Vegetables 32. Determination of Amino Acids Content in Fruits and Vegetables 33. Estimation of Ascorbic Acid Content in Fruits and Vegetables 34. Estimation of Total Acidity Content in Fruits and Vegetables 35. Estimation of Riboflavin in Fruits and Vegetables 36. Estimation of Niacin Content in Fruits and Vegetables 37. Estimation of Total Phenols in Fruits and Vegetable 38. Estimation of Flavonoids in Fruits and Vegetable 39. Estimation of Tocopherol in Fruits and Vegetable