Climate Smart Technologies for Improving Farm Productivity

Climate Smart Technologies for Improving Farm Productivity

Edited by A K Choudhary, Rakesh Kumar, Dhiraj Kumar Singh and Ujjwal Kumar
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The book “Climate Smart Technologies for Improving Farm Productivity” is a compiled version of lectures delivered in the training programme sponsored by the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE), Hyderabad. It consists of a total of 15 chapters that synergistically integrate various production systems for alleviating adverse climate change impacts and improving farm productivity. Each chapter is a contribution from eminent scientist(s) working in pioneer national and/ or international organizations. In each chapter, efforts were made to correlate the contents with adaptation and/or mitigation strategies to address the issues of climate change. This book starts with an introductory outlook of climate smart technologies and ends with varietal interventions as adaptation strategies to alleviate the adverse impacts of climate change. Important topics, such as integrated farming systems, livestock and fishery resources management, conservation agriculture, crop diversification for climate resilient agriculture, harnessing potential of solar energy, and of farm mechanization have been covered in some detail under changing climate scenario. This book also covers climate resilient weed management and crop establishment practices, crop residue management, nutrient mineralization, solar energy for clean energy and carbon neutral farming, enhancing water productivity, development of climate smart villages, and insect-pests and disease management strategies under changing climate scenario. One chapter is exclusively devoted to mushroom production, which is a typical example of low-cost production technology. In addition, the book also includes scalable technologies for sustainable intensification of small holder farms in Bihar. To our opinion, contributors have tried their best to focus on utilization of climate smart scale neutral technologies. However, individual chapter in the book conveys the perspective of respective author(s), and they are entirely responsible for advanced statements and opinions, if any. Editors firmly believe that this publication will prove to be highly useful to the researchers, policy-makers, students and all those who are engaged in the task of achieving sustainable agricultural development under changing climate scenario. About the Author: A.K. Choudhary, Principal Scientist & Head Division of Crop Research ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna-800014 (Bihar). Rakesh Kumar, Senior Scientist Division of Crop Research ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna-800014 (Bihar). Dhiraj Kumar Singh, Senior Scientist Division of Socio-economics and Extension ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna-800014 (Bihar). Ujjwal Kumar, Principal Scientist & Head Division of Socio-economics and Extension ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region Patna-800014 (Bihar).