Objective Plant Sciences: A Competitive Approach (Useful for ICAR-JRF/SRF/ASRB-NET-ARS/CSIR-NET (LS)/ BARC-OCES-Biosciences and Other Agricultural Competitive Examinations)

Objective Plant Sciences: A Competitive Approach (Useful for ICAR-JRF/SRF/ASRB-NET-ARS/CSIR-NET (LS)/ BARC-OCES-Biosciences and Other Agricultural Competitive Examinations)

Prasanta Kumar Majhi and Suryakant Manik
878 895 (2% off)
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The present book entitled “OBJECTIVE PLANT SCIENCES­: A Competitive Approach” has been designed to cover the whole syllabus of ICAR-AIEEA (PG)-Major Subject Group-Plant Sciences in an objective manner. The imperative questions are framed from the all five sub-subject groups (Genetics and Plant Breeding, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Microbiology/Microbiology, Seed Science and Technology, and Plant Genetic Resources) according to the syllabus to bring a complete idea about the subjects. Considering the recent trends in the Competitive Examinations, our emphasis is given to include the frequently asked most important objective questions in the SETs. The whole book is divided into five sections (Section-I: Plant Science Question SETs comprises of 40 SETs, Section-II: General agriculture Question SETs comprises of 5 SETs, Section-III: Selective Key Points, Section-IV: Glossaries and Section-V: Appendices). This book will be very useful for the Aspirants those who are preparing for ICAR-JRF, SRF, ASRB-NET-ARS, CSIR-NET (LS), BARC-OCES-Biosciences and other Agricultural Competitive Examinations.