Sustainable System of Farming for Modern Agriculture

Sustainable System of Farming for Modern Agriculture

R D Gupta, S K Gupta and Anil Mahajan
5216 5995 (13% off)
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Towards a sustainable agriculture: An intervention tool for eco-friendly approach in modern era contains many sustainable issues which have been discussed thoroughly. It explores the vital role of many national and international issues pertaining to soil tillage, watershed, organic farming, integrated nutrient management (INM) system, biofertilizer, vermicomposting, earthworms-role in sustainable agriculture, checking crop pests naturally-noble way to sustain agriculture, role of rural women, farm worm, agroforestry, management of waste lands. The book provides new alternatives to sustain productivity of Jhum Cultivation - myths and reality. Importance of micronutrients and application of extension system approach for sustaining food grain production have also been dealt in separate chapters. Secondly this book will prove a boon for the scientists, extension personnels, teachers and students, who are involved in conducting applied and basic research in various aspects of agricultural production on sustainable basis. Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Concept of Sustainable Agriculture 3. Soil Tillage Essential Component for Sustaining Crop Productivity 4. Water - A Key to Agriculture Sustainability and Food Security 5. Watershed - Concept and Management 6. Organic Farming for Sustainable Agriculture 7. Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) System and Sustainable Agriculture 8. Use of Bio-Fertilizers in Sustainable Agriculture 9. Vermicompost/Earthworm’s: Role in Sustainable Agriculture 10. Checking the Crop Pests Naturally - A Novel Way to Sustain Agriculture 11. Rural Women - Role in Sustainable Agriculture 12. Role of Agroforestry in Sustainable Agriculture 13. Cover Crops and Sustainability of Agriculture 14. Indigenous Technological Knowledge: Concept and Importance in Sustainable Agriculture 15. Management of Wastelands 16. Some Alternatives to Sustain Productivity of “Jhum” Cultivation 17. Importance of Micro-nutrients in Sustainable Agriculture 18. Agriculture Production on Sustainable Basis Through Extension System Approach