Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) National Flower of India

Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) National Flower of India

S C Sharma, Anil K Goel and Y K Sharma
2183 2250 (3% off)
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Contents: Foreword. Preface. Introduction. 1. Lotus in Hindu mythology. 2. Lotus in Buddhism. 3. Lotus in other religions. 4. Lotus philosophy. 5. Lotus in architecture. 6. Lotus in literature. 7. Egyptian blue lotus. 8. Distribution of lotus. 9. Habitat and ecological environment. 10. Morphological and anatomical characters of lotus. 11. Taxonomy and nomenclature of lotus. 12. Horto-taxonomy of lots varieties. 13. Floral biology of the lotus. 14. Lotus effect. 15. Thermo-regulation of lotus flower. 16. Lotus seed longevity. 17. Genetic and molecular improvement. 18. Conservation of lotus. 19. Propagation of lotus. 20. Pests and diseases. 21. Lotus cultivation. 22. Medicinal importance of lots. 23. Lotus perfume. 24. Economic importance of lotus. 25. List of lotus varieties. 26. Lotus for bioremediation. 27. Lotus in landscaping. 28. Lotus the crop of future. 29. The lotus-immortalized on stamps and coins. References. The coffee table book entitled Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.) National Flower of India is aimed to provide the detailed information about Lotus in a very precise and lucid manner so that even a common man can understand the significance of this highly revered plant species.