All in One Objectives in Seed Science and Technology

All in One Objectives in Seed Science and Technology

Birendra Prasad
1813 2295 (21% off)
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Contents: 1 History of Seed Industry in India 2 Principles of Seed Production 3 Maintenance of Nucleus and Breeder’s Seed 4 Seed Production of Cereals 5 Seed Production of Pulses 6 Seed Production of Oil Crops 7 Seed Production of Forage Crops 8 Seed Production of Fibre Crops 9 Seed Production of Sugar Crops 10 Seed Production of Fruit Vegetables 11 Seed Production of Cole Vegetables 12 Seed Production of Leaf, Root and Stem Vegetable 13 Hybrid Seed Production 14 Seed Processing 15 Seed Drying 16 Seed Cleaning and Upgrading 17 Seed Treatments 18 Seed Packaging and Handling 19 Seed Storage 20 Seed Marketing 21 Seed Testing 22 Seed Sampling 23 Seed Purity and Determination of other Species and Provenance 24 Determination of Genuineness of Variety/ Cultivar Purity Test 25 Seed Moisture 26 Seed Viability 27 Seed Germination 28 Seed Vigour 29 Seed Health Testing 30 Seed Certification 31 Seed Legislation 32 Seed Pathology 33 Storage Entomology 34 Embryology 35 Seed Dormancy 36 Seed Priming and Invigoration/ Seed Enhancement 37 Seed Storage Reserves 38 Mobilization of Stored Seed Reserve 39 Intellectual Property Right