Seed Production in Field and Horticulture Crops Nucleus and Breeder
S R Sree Rangasamy and S Manonmani
₹5216₹5995(13% off)
The book is inclusive of all categories of crop plants that are either seed or clonally propagated, will be a useful sourcebook to researchers, students and others involved in quality assured seed production.
This book will promote or expand the seed innovations like futuristic seeds such as in vitro clones, micropropagation, artificial/synthetic seeds and organic seeds conjoining with the upcoming genetics, breeding and molecular breeding perspectives related to the Nucleus and Breeder Seed production in annual and perennial inclusive of grain, legume, pulses, fibers, oil, vegetables, fruit and other horticultural crops seed and clonal crops.
Contents: 1. Introduction
2. Importance of Seeds in Agriculture
3. Genetic Purity of Parents and Natural Cross Pollination
4. Clonal Seeds
5. In vitro Grafting
6. In vitro Clones in Plants
7. Organic Seed Production
8. Synthetic Seeds
9. Nucleus and Breeder Seed Production
10. Maintenance Breeding
11. Molecular Markers for Seed and Clonal Purity and Grow Out Testing (Molecular GOT)
12. Nucleus and Breeder Seed Production of Field Crops
13. Nucleus and Breeder Seed Production in Horticultural Crops
14. Long-term Conservation of Crop Varieties
15. Protection of Released Varieties