A Handbook on Plant Health Medicines

A Handbook on Plant Health Medicines

Suresh G Borkar
6086 6995 (13% off)
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Though different titles of plant protection books are available, no book is as much illustrative as the present book of Plant Health Medicines. The book ''A Handbook on Plant Health Medicines” is prepared with an objective to make available the scientific as well as working knowledge of useful and recommended plant protection and plant health medicines to the personnel associated with agriculture in different capacities and at different levels, and to the end users, i.e. farmers. The book contains three sections viz. chemical molecules for control of plant diseases, chemical molecules to control plant physiological process and physiological disorders, and Pesticides for management of plant insect pests. These three sections are divided into 30 chapters. The respective section has got images of all the representative diseases, pests, as well as mineral deficiencies symptoms for the identification of the cause and different molecules for their control and rectification, thus making the book more practical use oriented to all personnel associated with agriculture sector. With its availability particularly, to pesticide shop dealers and farmers, the proper plant protection and plant health medicines will be applied in the agricultural ecosystem to manage the problem associated with plant health. Contents: Section-I: Chemical Molecules for Control of Plant Diseases 1. Classification of Diseases Based on Symptomatology and Pathogen Involved 2. The Fungicides: Chemical Molecules for Control of Fungal Diseases 3. Groups of Fungicides and Diseases Controlled 4. New Fungicides (by Trade Name) and their Use 5. Ready-Reckoner for Disease Specific Fungicides 6. Development of Resistance in Fungal Pathogens Against the Fungicide and Fungicide Resistance Management 7. Fungicide Product with Their Active Ingredients and Hazard Class 8. Chemical Molecules for Control of Bacterial Diseases 9. Chemical Molecules for Management of Viruses and Phytoplasmas 10. Chemical Molecules as Nematicides for Nematode Management 11. Chemical Molecules for Management of Algal Infection 12. Management of Protozoan Diseases 13. Methods of Application of Chemical Molecules As Plant Medicines 14. Precautions in Selection of a Proper Plant Health Medicine Section-II: Chemical Molecules to Control Plant Physiological Processes and Physiological Disorders 15. Plant Growth Regulators 16. Anti-Transpirant Chemicals to Mitigate Water-Stress 17. Chemicals to Induce Early Flowering 18. Chemicals to Control Fruit Dropping 19. Chemical Nutrient Deficiencies/Toxicities in Plants and Their Rectification Section-III: Pesticides for Management of Insect Pest 20. Classification of Insect Pest Based on Their Appearance and Feeding Habit 21. Insecticides for Control of Insect Pests 22. Botanical Insecticides 23. Invertebrate Animal Based Insectcide 24. Pesticides for Control of Slug and Snails 25. Ready-Reckoner for Insect Pest Specific Insecticide 26. Insect Attractants for Insect Pest Management 27. Insect Repellent for Insect Pest Management 28. Chemical Molecules as Weedicides/Herbicides for Weed Management 29. Biological Control Agents for Disease Pest Management 30. Scenario of Banned and Restricted Pesticides