Application of Galvanic Current in Germination and Plant Growth

Application of Galvanic Current in Germination and Plant Growth

K P Biswas, Namrata Basu and Arpita Roy
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The present book a new of its kind, dealt with production of galvanic current in water, moist cotton, and soil media to stimulate germination of seeds, growth of seedlings to flower and fruit bearing plants. In different chapters of the book, an outline has been given on the characteristics and present application of galvanic current, factors affecting plant growth, ion exchange in plant roots, soil cation exchange capacity and diffusion process. Electrochemical potential around plant roots in relation to metabolism and growth acceleration has been described elaborately in the relative chapter of the book. Forty one sets of experiments have been carried out for last four years to observe the effect of galvanic current in germination of seeds, growth of seedlings and plants to bear flower and fruits in different growing media. Formation and growth of roots from rhizomes, buds were also investigated. In all twenty variety of seeds, seedlings and plants have been studied during the period. The result of the investigations, indicated that in few majority of cases, the beneficial effect of the influence of galvanic current have been observed in germination of seeds, growth of plants and bearing flowers and fruits, depending on the application of galvanic current, including its magnitude. A comparison has also been made on the effect of galvanic current and externally applied current with respect of germination of seeds. This book will open a new avenue for future research in this regards and will be helpful to teachers, students and research scholars of colleges and universities.