Cut Flowers: Commercial Ornamental Crops

Cut Flowers: Commercial Ornamental Crops

R L Misra and Sanyat Misra
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'A book which deals with 36 individual cut flower crops (Achillea, Alstroemeria, Amaryllis & Hippeastrum, Anemone, Anthurium, Antirrhinum, Callistephus chinensis, Campanula, Centaurea, Dahlia, Delphinium, Dendranthema, Dianthus caryophyllus, Digitalis, Eustoma, Gaillardia, Gerbera, Gladiolus, Gypsophila, Helianthus, Heliconia, Iberis, Lilium, Limonium, Matthiola, Narcissus, Orchids, Polianthes tuberosa, Rosa, Salpiglossis, Scabiosa, Solidago, Strelitzia, Tulipa, Zantedeschia and Zinnia), and two separate groups of plants which are either axillary to cut flowers or have included many other individuals to be used as cut flowers, i.e. Cut Foliage/Cut Greens and Other Fillers and Proteaceous Ornamentals. Individual crops have covered almost all the aspects, viz. Introduction, Origin, Uses, Botany, Classification Species and Varieties, Propagation, Cultural Practices soils and bed preparation, Read more Table of Contents Foreword v Preface vii List of Contributors xv 1. Achillea 1 Introduction Botany Propagation Species and Cultivars Cultural Practices Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References Ritu Jain, Lakshmi Durga M. and Sanyat Misra 2. Alstroemeria 7 Introduction and Origin Botany Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Soils, Preparation of Land, Planting and Weed Control Irrigation, Manures and Fertilizers Growth, Development, Flowering and Flower Forcing Postharvest Lifting of Rhizomes and Storage Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References R.L. Misra and Sanyat Misra 3. Amaryllis & Hippeastrum 19 Introduction and Origin Botany Species and Varieties Propagation Soils, Preparation of Land, Planting and Weed Control Irrigation and Nutrition Growth, Development and Flowering Flower Forcing Postharvest Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders Lifting, Dormancy and Storage of Bulbs References Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra 4. Anemone 33 Introduction and Origin Botany Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Soils, Preparation of Land, Planting and Weed Control Irrigation, Manures and Fertilizers Growth, Development, Flowering, Flower Forcing and Height Control Postharvest Lifting and Storage Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra x 5. Anthurium 47 Introduction and Botany Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Climate, Media and Cultural Practices Growth and Development Flower Harvesting and Postharvest Management Insect-Pests and Diseases References R.L. Misra and Sanyat Misra 6 Antirrhinum 63 Introduction and Origin Classification, Species and Cultivars Propagation Cultural Practices Nutrition and Water Management Growth, Development and Flowering Height Control Postharvest Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References R.L. Misra, Sanyat Misra, Ajit Kumar and J.K. Ranjan 7. Callistephus chinensis 75 Introduction and Origin Genetics and Breeding Classification and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices, Nutritional Requirements and Watering Growth, Development and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References Sanyat Misra, R.L. Misra, Y.C. Gupta, Ajit Kumar, J.K. Ranjan and Pragya Ranjan 8. Campanula 85 Introduction Botany Propagation Classification, Species and Varieties Cultural Practices Growth and Flowering Postharvest Pests and Diseases References Ritu Jain, Varun M. Hiremath and Sanyat Misra 9. Centaurea 93 Introduction and Origin Botany, Cytology and Breeding Propagation Classification, Species and Varieties Cultural Practices Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References Ajit Kumar, Khushboo Kathayat, Jyoti Bajeli, Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra 10. Cut Foliage/Cut Greens and Other Fillers 101 Abies Acalypha Aglaonema Alocasia Alpinia Anthurium Aralia Araucaria Ardisia Asparagus Aspidistra Buxus Caladium Calathea Camellia Cedrus Chlorophytum comosum Codiaeum Coleus Cordyline Cycas Cyperus Cytisus Dieffenbachia Duranta Dracaena Epipremnum Eucalyptus Euonymus Fatsia japonica and Fatshedera Ferns Ficus Galax Gaultheria Grevillea Gypsophila Hedera Ilex Juniperus Magnolia Maranta Monstera Murraya exotica Myrtus Ophiopogon Palms Philodendron Pinus Pittosporum Podocarpus Rhododendron Ruscus Sansevieria Scindapsus Solidago Spathiphyllum Strelitzia Syngonium Thuja Ulex Vaccinium Xerophyllum References D.V.S. Raju, Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra 11. Dahlia 115 Introduction and Origin Botany Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Soils, Preparation of Land, Planting, Pot Culture and Weed Control Irrigation and Nutrient Management Growth, Development, Flowering and Dormancy Height Control, Pinching & Disbudding, and Staking Postharvest Lifting of Tubers and Storage Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References R.L. Misra and Sanyat Misra 12. Delphinium 133 Introduction and Origin Classification, Species and Cultivars Propagation Cultural Practices Growth, Flowering and Height Control Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra xi 13. Dendranthema 139 Introduction and Origin Botany, Genetics and Breeding Classification and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Chrysanthemum Growing Calendar Throughout the Year Irrigation, Manures and Fertilizers Control of Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References R.L. Misra and Sanyat Misra 14. Dianthus caryophyllus 159 Introduction Origin, History and Distribution Botany, Genetics and Breeding Species, Varieties and Classification Propagation Cultural Practices Feeding and Irrigation Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References Y.C. Gupta and Kalkame Ch. Momin 15. Digitalis 173 Introduction Botany Propagation Classification, Species and Varieties Cultural Practices Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References Namita, Sapna Panwar, Meenu Kumari, Shisa Ullas P. and Sanyat Misra 16. Eustoma 179 Introduction Botany and Breeding Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Feeding and Irrigation Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References Sanyat Misra, R.L. Misra, M. Kannan, S. T. Bini Sundar and P. Ranchan 17. Gaillardia 191 Introduction and Botany Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect Pests and Diseases References Atul Batra and B.K.Banerji 18. Gerbera 197 Introduction and Origin Botany, Genetics and Breeding Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Feeding and Irrigation Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra 19. Gladiolus 213 Introduction and History Botany, Cytology and Genetics Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Feeding and Irrigation Control of Growth and Flowering Postharvest Management Lifting of Corms and Storage Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References Y.C. Gupta, R.L. Misra, Nomita Laishram, Priyanka Sharma, Bhavya Bhargava and Sanyat Misra 20. Gypsophila 245 Introduction and Origin Botany Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Feeding and Watering Growth and Development Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References Pragya Ranjan, J.K. Ranjan, Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra xii 21. Helianthus 253 Introduction and Origin Botany and Breeding Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Growth and Flowering Postharvest of the Blooms Seed Harvesting, Curing and Value addition Insect-Pests and Diseases References Ajit Kumar, Manish Kapoor, Meenu Kumari, Sanyat Misra, R.L. Misra, Sunder Pal, Mamta Bohra and Himanshu Trivedi 22. Heliconia 263 Introduction and Origin Botany Breeding Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Feeding, Watering and Humidity Control of Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References T. Janakiram, Anuradha Sane and R.L. Misra 23. Iberis 279 Introduction and Origin Botany, Cytology and Breeding Species, Cultivars and Classification Propagation Cultural Practices Pot Plant Production Seed Production Growth and Development Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References Ajit Kumar, Kiran Kumari, Manish Kapoor, Ranjan Srivastava, Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra 24. Lilium 287 Introduction and Origin Botany, Genetics and Breeding Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Feeding and Watering Pot Culture Growth and Development Postharvest Bulb Harvesting and Storage Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References Sanyat Misra, Ranjan Srivastava, Pragya Ranjan, R.L. Misra, Narendra Bhandari, Ajit Kumar and Yalek Messar 25. Limonium 323 Introduction Botany, Cytogenetics and Breeding Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Weed Control Feeding and Irrigation Growth and Development Postharvest Management Insect-Pests and Diseases References M.K. Singh, Sanyat Misra, R.L. Misra and Sanjay Kumar 26. Matthiola 353 Introduction Botany, Breeding and Biotechnology Classiciation, Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Feeding and Irrigation Weed Control Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References M.K. Singh, Sanyat Misra, R.L. Misra and Sanjay Kumar 27. Narcissus 373 Introduction and Origin Brief History Botany, Cytology and Breeding Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Pot Culture Growth and Development Postharvest Lifting, Curing and Storage of Bulbs Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References Priyanka Thakur, R.L. Misra and Sanyat Misra 28. Orchids 389 Introduction and Origin Botany, Breeding and Growth Habit Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Control of Growth and Flowering Harvesting of Flowers and Postharvest Management Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders References Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra xiii 29. Polianthes tuberosa 427 Introduction and Origin Botany Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Irrigation and Feeding Growth, Development and Flowering Postharvest Lifting and Storage of Bulbs Insect-Pests and Diseases References Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra 30. Proteaceous Ornamentals 439 Introduction Typical Features of Proteaceae Researchable Issues Crop Improvement The Species Propagation Cultural Practices Postharvest Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders Future Prospects of Protea Cultivation in India References Kalkame Ch. Momin, Y.C. Gupta, S.R. Dhiman, R.L. Misra and Sanyat Misra 31. Rosa 451 Introduction and Origin Botany, Genetics and Breeding Classification and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Protected Cultivation Postharvest Dormancy and Control of Growth and Flowering Insect-Pests and Diseases References R.L. Misra, D.V.S. Raju and Sanyat Misra 32. Salpiglossis 475 Introduction Botany and Breeding Propagation Species and Varieties Cultural Practices Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References Sapna Panwar, Poonam Kumari, Thaneshwari and R.L. Misra 33. Scabiosa 479 Introduction Botany, Genetics and Breeding Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Polyhouse Growing Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References M.K. Singh, R.L. Misra, Sanyat Misra, Sanjay Kumar and Ajit Kumar 34. Solidago 489 Introduction and Origin Botany Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Requirements Harvesting and Postharvest Management Insect-Pests and Diseases References M. Kannan, S.T. Bini Sundar, P. Ranchana, Sanyat Misra and R.L. Misra 35. Strelitzia 495 Introduction Botany Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Feeding and Irrigation Postharvest Insect-Pests and Diseases References Naveen Kumar, R.L. Misra, J.K. Ranjan, R.K. Dubey, Sanyat Misra, Pragya Ranjan and Ajit Kumar 36. Tulipa 503 Introduction and Origin Botany Breeding Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Growth and Development Bulb Lifting and Storage Insect-Pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorders Postharvest References Ajit Kumar, Sanyat Misra, Jyoti Bajeli, Tripti, Sunder Pal, R.L. Misra and Manish Kapoor xiv 37. Zantedeschia 525 Introduction Botany and Breeding Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Lifting of Rhizomes and Storage Control of Growth and Flowering Postharvest Insect-pests, Diseases and Physiological Disorder References M.K. Singh, Sanyat Misra and Sanjay Kumar 38. Zinnia 535 Introduction and Origin Botany Genetics and Breeding Classification, Species and Varieties Propagation Cultural Practices Growth and Flowering Postharvest Diseases and Insect-Pests References Pragya Ranjan, J.K. Ranjan, M.K. Bag and Sanyat Misra Colour Plates I-VIII Glossary 545 Index 557 About the Authors: Dr. R. L. Misra served the cause of floricultural science for more than 16 years in temperate regions of Himachal Pradesh and about 24 years in sub-tropical conditions of New Delhi. After his joining at IARI, New Delhi in 1984, he was associated with all the 7-8 floricultural courses being offered to the M.Sc. and Ph.D. students, apart from looking his mandated research programmes. Out of his whole official career, as a chairman, he guided 16 Ph.D. and 6 M.Sc. students apart from being members of the advisory committees of many more students, and developed 30 gladiolus varieties which have high demand countrywide. Now all these students are serving various institutions as Professors and Associate Professors and in other departments holding a very high position. As a teacher as well as a researcher, his contribution is well known as he has in all some 500 publications including 6 books. He is the founder member of Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture. From 1993 to 2004 he edited its regular publication Journal of Ornamental Horticulture. He is Fellow of Indian Society of Genetics and Plant Breeding since 80's, and Indian Society of Ornamental Horticulture since 2010. For his most significant contribution in the field of floriculture, he was honoured with 'Gold Medal' of Horticultural Society of India in 2013. He is life member in 11 professional societies. Joined as a regular Project Coordinator of All India Coordinated Research Project on Floriculture of ICAR at Division of Floriculture and Landscaping, IARI, New Delhi where he coordinated some 21 centres across 17 states. He served IARI for 40 years and retired as Project Coordinator cum Principal Scientist in May 2008. Only because of his highly significant contributions in the field of teaching and research, after his retirement he was inducted as adjunct Faculty of IARI in Floriculture. Dr. Sanyat Misra is a graduate from UAS, Bangalore; postgraduate from GBP University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar; and Ph.D. from Dr. YSP University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan (H.P.), and then after completing his Ph.D. degree served for 3 years as Research Associate at NBPGR, New Delhi and Shimla, and in 2004 joined as regular Scientist cum Assistant Professor (Floriculture) in the Department of Horticulture, Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi (Jharkhand). So far he has guided Ten M.Sc. students for their thesis work. Presently he is Head, Department of Horticulture, BAU, Ranchi. He is a very active member of the horticulture faculty looking after research, teaching and extension. He has to his credit about 45 publications, two bulletins and Five books of international repute.