A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

A Textbook of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses

H C Dube
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The book describes fungi, bacteria and viruses (as well as subviral pathogens) in light of recent information. It introduces the three domains (=super kingdoms), the Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya, proposed by Carl Woese, and the new kingdoms of Protozoa, Chromista and Straminopila. The new classification of fungi (Kirk et al. 2001), bacteria (Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2004) and viruses (International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses, 2006) have been included. There are descriptions of Viroids, Virusoids, Virnos, and Prions - organisms before which viruses pale into insignificance in smallness of their size and ingenuity of parasitism. There is a separate chapter on AIDS and HIV. I am sure students will appreciate these additions and derive much value by the newer information about these organisms. Table of Contents.. Introduction to the Living World Domain Eukarya: Characteristics and Classification of Fungi Kingdom Fungi: Phylum Chytridiomycota Phylum Zygomycota Class Zygomycetes Phylum Ascomycota Phylum Basidiomycota The Anamorphic Fungi (Deutromycetes, Mitosporic Fungi, Imperfect Fungi, Asexual Fungi) Kingdom Straminipila: Class Oomycota Heterothallism, Heterokaryosis and Parasexual Cycle Symbiotic Associations of Fungi: Mycorrhizas and Lichens Domain Bacteria Classification of Bacteria Bacterial Nutrition and Mineral Cycles Reproduction in Bacteria Bacterial Diseases of Plants and Human Beings Domain Archaea (Archaeobacteeria) Viruses-Discovery: Nature and Biological Status Structure and Classification of Viruses Structure of Bacteriophages: Tobacco Mosaic Virus and HIV (Aids Virus) The Growth Cycle of Viruses Viral Diseases of Plants and Human Beings Viroids and Prions References Subject Index