Environment and Human Health in India

Environment and Human Health in India

Prof (Dr) Anju Singh and Dr Satya Pal Singh Rana
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According to recent research more than millions of people around the world die every year because they live or work in unhealthy environment. A clean environment is essential for human health and well being. Living closely with the environment is the direct indicator of good health. Since we are completely dependent on the environment to survive, it is safe to say that changes to the environment will impact human well being. However, the actual relationship between these two is more complex than we believed and isn’t always easy to assess. The most obvious impacts on health that we have seen are from deteriorating water quality, air quality index, and unsanitary conditions. Radiation poisoning too has deadly consequences for human health. Pesticides and other chemicals used in food production don’t disappear when they hit the store shelves: they go directly into the food we eat. Not only do these modern additives degrade the soil quality of our farmland and harm the pollinators that help grow our food, but they can also lead to cancer and antibiotic resistance in the people who eat them. E transformation and urbanization of life, leading life in easier mode is responsible for future E waste. The E waste is not degradable and will destroy the whole environment. Due to increase in motor vehicles and industrial emissions, the declines the air and water quality leads to risks of various human untreatable diseases. Rising global temperatures leads climate change and worsens the pollution. However, many concerns have yet to be addressed and are spiralling out of control such as biodiversity; on average, one species dies out every day.