The book compiles scientific literature and provides approaches for construction of tree growth models. It presents an updated source of references for students, researchers and practitioners requiring current process of research and methods in the field. The book describes current modelling approaches for predicting forest growth and yield comprising various modelling approaches. It gives the readers with the tools for evaluating and calibrating growth and yield models and outlines the required steps for developing forest growth and yield model. The book starts by Introduction and a brief account of sampling techniques and experimental design followed by whole-stand, size-class and individual-tree approaches for modelling forest growth and yield. It is ideal for use in forestry courses and provides ready access to a plethora of reference material for researchers working in growth and yield modelling.
Contents: 1. Introduction
1. Data sources and data structures
1.1 Permanent Plots
1.2 Temporary Plots
1.3 Interval Plots
2. Plot size - variability and optimisation
2.1 Total time
2.2 Travel Time as a Function of Plot Size
2.3 Plot Measurement Time as a Function of Plot Size
2.4 Optimisation of Plot Size
2.5 Application
3. Fixed-radius plots or variable-radius plots?
4. Forest growth models
4.1 Types of Growth Models
4.2 Caution About Models
4.3 Application and uses 0fModel
2. Sampling Techniques and Experimental Design
2. Sampling techniques
1.1 Probability Sampling
1.1.1 Simple Random Sampling
1.1.2 Systematic Sampling
1.1.3 Stratified Sampling Post-stratification
1.1.4 Cluster Sampling
1.1.5 Multistage Sampling
1.1.6 Probability-proportional-to-size Sampling
1.2 Unequal Probability Sampling
1.2.1 The Hanson-Hurwitz and Horvitz-Thompson Estimator
1.3 Spatial Sampling
1.4 Ratio/Regression Estimator
1.5 Sample Size Determination and Allocation
2. Design of Experiments
2.1 Split-plot Design 23
2.2 Lattice Design 23
3. Diameter and Height Growth
1.1 Diameter Distribution
1.1.1 Weibull Distribution
1.1.2 Univariate SB distribution
2. Height
3. Generalized Diameter-Height Relations
4. Bivariate Diameter-Height Distributions
4. Tree Volume and Stand Yield
1. Volume equations
1.1 Taper Functions
1.2 Quarter-Girth Formula
2. Yield tables
5. Dominant Height and Site Index Model
Height growth models
1.1 Anamorphic Height Growth Model
Dominant height and site index models
2.1 Polymorphic Site Index Models
2.2 Other Algebraic Difference form of Site Index Models
2.3 Dynamic Site Index Models Using GADA
6. Stand Density and Basal Area Development
1. Stand density
1.1 Limiting Line
1.2 Estimation of Potential Density
1.3 Mortality 66
2. Stand density management diagram
2.1 Construction of the SDMD
2.2 Potential uses and Limitations of SDMDs
3. Basal area prediction model
4. Simultaneous regression
7. Thinning and Individual Tree Growlh
1. Thinning
1.1 Thinning Weight
1.2 Type of Thinning
1.3 Modelling Thinning
1.4 Thinning-Worked Example
1.5 Calculating the Allowable Cut
2 Forest structure
3. Tree crowns
4. Forest density and competiton
4.1 Competition Index
5. Individual Tree Growth Models
6. Dynamic growth model
6.1 Transition Function for Dominant Height
6.2 Transition Function for Mortality
6.3 Transition Function for Basal Area
6.4 Total Stand Volume Equation
6.5 Parameter Estimation and Model Selection
6.6 Separate Fitting
6.7 Simultaneous Fitting
8. Model Evalualion and Validalion 97-102
1. Qualitative evaluation
2. Quantitative evaluation
3. Statistical Tests
4. Pseudo residuals
5. Criterion-based procedures
5.1 Akaike’s Information Criteria (AIC)
5.2 Adjusted Co efficient of Determination (R2)
5.3 Predicted Residual Sum of Squares (PRESS)
5.4 Mallow’s CP Statistic
6 Model selection uncertainty