Wildlife In and Around Corbett Tiger Reserve A Photographic Guidebook

Wildlife In and Around Corbett Tiger Reserve A Photographic Guidebook

Rajesh Chaudhary and Vinesh Kumar
1331 1495 (11% off)
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Contents: Foreword, Preface, Overview of the Book, PRELUDE, Natural and Historical Settings, Scientific Naming and Identification of Organisms, Glossary and Abbeviations, ANIMALS AND PLANTS: Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Butterflies, Dragonflies and Damselflies, Other Animals, Plants, VISITING CTR: Ecotourism Zones and Route Maps, Understanding Jungle Clues and Pugmarks, Daylong Excursions Around CTR, Biography of Jim Corbett, Acknowledgements, Photo Credits, Bibliography, Index. Corbett Tiger Reserve is one of the premier wildlife places in India to see the Royal Bengal Tiger and Asian Elephant, and it has many other lesser-known treasures of life too. This guidebook comprehensively portrays Corbett Tiger Reserve as a wildlife repository, visual treat of the natural ecosystem and memorable ecotourism destination. It has been conceived to entice nature enthusiasts with the urge to understand nature and the ecosystem in a holistic manner. This photographic guidebook, through more than 1500 high-quality pictures, helps readers to identify about 700 species of animals (including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, butterflies, dragonflies and damselflies, and others) and plants found in Corbett Tiger Reserve and its neighbouring forests. It also provides a glimpse into the secret life of animals and plants, assimilated from the latest scientific publications, curated and presented as easy-to-understand text. The route maps and pictorial details of each ecotourism zone provide a virtual tour of Corbett Tiger Reserve, and will help readers plan their trips with ease. This guidebook is also helpful for exploring wildlife in nearby parts of the Himalayan foothills of Uttarakhand, with similar geoclimatic conditions. Discover the wonders of nature and an awareness of conservation with this user-friendly guide to Corbett Tiger Reserve. About the Author: Rajesh Chaudhary Author A passionate nature lover and keen observer with a PhD in Biological Science. He is presently working as Associate Professor, teaching Biomedical Science at Acharya Narendra Dev College, University of Delhi. He has been observing, photographing and documenting nature as a hobby, for more than 20 years. He has published several articles, chapters, notes, etc. He believes that curiosity, passion, awareness and interest in the natural world can transform one into a guardian of nature. Vinesh Kumar Author A nature enthusiast and a burgeoning nature photographer, who adores nature for both its living and nonliving marvels. He has a zeal towards the conservation of natural resources. Since childhood, he has had an inclination for exploring the wonders of Mother Nature. He takes pleasure in showcasing the allure of nature through his art of photography.