Minor Fruit Crops of India Tropical and Subtropical (Second Revised Edition)

Minor Fruit Crops of India Tropical and Subtropical (Second Revised Edition)

Bibhas Chandra Mazumdar
2636 2995 (12% off)
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A large number of fruit crops are grown in organized plantations in this country but these apart, a large number of species grow as wild or in forests. These are referred to as underutilized or minor fruits but many of them make high appeal to the consumers. Out of a large number of species of these fruit plants, some selected ones that grow in tropical and subtropical parts in this country have been brought forward for discussion in this text with citation of pertinent research results. About the Author: Prof. Bibhas Chandra Mazumdar had been in the profession of teaching and research of post-graduate students of doctoral fellows in Indian Universities for more than 34 tears. He had also served in fruit development, extension education, farm management and research positions for 7 years. Singly or jointly with other, he has authored 14 books, 163 research papers and 53 non-research articles in horticulture, human nutrition, medicinal plants and plant physiology.