The book deals with the information of cultivation, marketing and utilization of earnestly grown edible and medicinal mushrooms, Indian and world scenario, problem faced by persons. Government policies regarding the cultivation of mushroom has been discussed. This work will be a help for students and researcher. It is need of time to develop start up through cultivation of mushroom and by processing edible mushrooms by the Youth. Women also can start small scale and large scale industries by growing mushroom and will help in women empowerment.
About the Author: Prof. Rajni Gupta, She did her B.Sc (M.D. University, Rohtak, 1987), M.Sc (Agra University, Agra, 1989), Ph.D (Agra University, Agra, 1993), Research Associate (CAS-UGC Dept. of Botany Univ. of Delhi, Delhi), Prof. Rajni Gupta joined Delhi University, in the year 1993, in capacity of R.A (CAS -UGC) under Prof. K. G. Mukerji. For five years worked on Mycorrhiza and Mycoherbicides and other fields of fungi. In 2006 she joined Kirori Mal College as a permanent position in Dept. of Botany. She published about 50 Research papers and articles in many invited books and journals published from National and International Publishers like Springer and Plenum. Published about 13 books in the field of Fungi, Microbial Technology, Plant Systematics, Biotechnology and General Life Science, books, Class 10th, 11th and 12th Standard school books under World Bank Project. Presently working on Mushrooms,
delivered Key note lectures in FDP,s and National Conference on Microbes. Delivered about 7 talks in various colleges on Cultivation of Mushrooms and How can be Growing of Mushroom can make you Entrepreneur. Worked on Phytoremediation of heavy metals Under Innovation scheme of DU. Presented papers in many National and International Symposia and Conferences. Attended many workshops and presently giving workshops to students and teachers on Cultivation of Mushrooms. Dr. Ajay Singh, Registrar, Maharana Pratap Horticultural University, Karnal. Regional Director, MHU Regional Mushroom Research,Centre, Murthal. He did his B.Sc, M.Sc and Ph.D from CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar by 1997. Did post graduate diploma in marketing management from IGNOU in 1999. He worked as Scientist- in-Charge, Integrated Mushroom R&D Project, HAIC Agro R&D Centre (a Govt. of Haryana body) for 18 years (2002-May, 2020). PI AICRP on Mushroom since 2009. PI-NAHEP (IG), MHU Karnal since 2020. Registrar, MHU, Karnal 2018 to date. Regional Director, MHU Regional Mushroom Research Centre, Murthal since July, 2020 to date. Cultivation technology of various Mushrooms, Disease pest management & postharvest technology of Mushrooms. Done excellent research work on mushroom during Masters & Doctoral studies & currently he is Principal Investigator, All India Coordinating Research Project on Mushroom at Murthal & Co-PI of two joint research project on Milky Mushroom & functional foods of mushrooms with IIT, Delhi. Published thirty four research papers in National & International Journals and Eight books on Mushroom & Bee-Keeping. Guided several M.Tech&Ph.D students of Biotechnology of DCR University, Murthal & IIT, Delhi respectively. He has been to abroad thrice for attending International Training Programme & International Conferences.