Early Indian Art and Architecture

Early Indian Art and Architecture

P C Jain
4455 4950 (10% off)
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A vision of India's earliest known past as reflects in her creative endeavor the specimens of which begin appearing some twelve thousand years ago on the walls of the nomad's rock-shelter, his first home as also the ever first to breed in him a feeling of belonging, the Indian Art and Architecture, the first of the series, covers in its thirteen chapters thirteen major styles of Indian art and architecture. It incorporates the material well researched by eminent scholars over past fifty years. The book begins with the study of rock-shelter drawings, mainly those discovered from the rock-shelters of Bhimbetka near Bhopal in Madhya Pradesh, now a world heritage site. India has thousands on rock-shelter drawings but rare In splendor Bhimbetka is not only the largest complex of rock-shelters and the largest concentration of pre-historic art but also presents the widest range of themes that rock-shelter drawings have anywhere in India or rather In the world. Hence, the book's focus mainly on Bhimbetka. The book has been enriched and embellished with a number of plans, illustrations in colored and black and white.