The Memorial Monuments of Rajasthan : The Cenotaph

The Memorial Monuments of Rajasthan : The Cenotaph

Ratan Lal Mishra
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" In the present volumes the author traces out the history of the cenotaph right from the tribals periods up to the Rajput periods. He has vividly described the various phases through which the cenotaph has passes before reaching its culmination in Rajput period, which marks vigorously the revival of the custom of erecting sepulchral monuments. The Hindu temple architecture and sculpture together with the mortuary architecture received an impetus under the Rajput rules of Rajasthan. Thousand of cenotaphs cropped up during this period under the Rajputs who introduced a new chapter to the annals of the art movement of the state of Rajasthan. The present study is divided in several chapters. The first presents a brief sketch of the political history of Rajasthan followed by the second and third chapters which deal with the concept of raising centaphs and its development together with the architectural components of the cenotaph structure. The next one describes the cenotaphs of the states of Rajasthan in detail. The cenotaph raised on the seths. The cenotaph raised on the seths and the saints have also been included in the description. Some stray cenotaphs which have historical importance have also been discussed. The study is mainly based on historical records and spot observation. Any body interested with however little technical, knowledge, in our ancient building will understanding, enjoy and jealously preserve this book. "