Om Publications
Books on China
National Minorities in China
by Dr Aditya Narayan Misra and Dr Prakash Narayan
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Islands on the Rocks Impetus of China's Actions in the East ...
by Rahul Karan Reddy
(0% off)
Becoming China: The Story Behind the State
by Jeanne-Marie Gescher
(4% off)
India and China at Sea: Competition for Naval Dominance in t...
by Edited by David Brewster
(4% off)
New Media and Transformation of Social Life in China
by Edited by Xinxun Wu, Han Zheng and Xiaokun Wu
(7% off)
The Art of War
by Sun Tzu
(0% off)
India and China: Beyond 2020
by Dr Girish Kant Pandey and Dr Varnika Sharma
(10% off)
India and China: National Image-building in Southeast Asia
by Parama Sinha Palit
(6% off)
The Road to Sleeping Dragon: Learning China from the Ground ...
by Michael Meyer
(5% off)
Dragonian Pincer moves and World Peace: A Marvellous Fascina...
by Satish Gosain
(5% off)
Economy of the People's Republic of China
by Dr S K Shah
(8% off)
India China Space Capability: A Comparison
by Sanjay Kumar
(8% off)
CPEC: Pakistan Towards Chinese Slavery
by Edited by Aashish Joshi
(5% off)
Sino India Towards Grave Confrontation
by Harsh Vardhan Rathore
(7% off)
China and String of Pearls
by Ashish Dutta
(10% off)
Dragon Emerging Colonies in World
by Thakur Nilesh Prakash Singh
(10% off)
China's Faultlines: Implications and Lessons (United Service...
by Sandeep Jain
(8% off)
Trajectory of Red Army's Unmanned Warfare (United Service In...
by Anshuman Narang
(10% off)
China in the Indian Ocean: One Ocean, Many Strategies
by M.H. Rajesh
(10% off)
The Select Documents on India-China Relations: Politics of R...
by A Comprehensive Introduction by K R Gupta
(10% off)
The Select Documents on Inia-China Relations: Politics of Re...
by A Comprehensive Introduction by K R Gupta
(11% off)
India - China Relations, 1947-2000: A Documentary Study (5 V...
by Edited by Avtar Singh Bhasin
(0% off)
The Dragon Extends Its Reach: Chinese Military Power Goes Gl...
by Larry M Wortzel
(8% off)
China in the 21st Century
by Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom
(0% off)
Will China's Rise Be Peaceful? The Rise of a Great Power in ...
by Edited by Asle Toje
(3% off)