Om Publications
Military Studies
Hindustan under free lances (1770-1820: sketches of military...
by H.G. Keene
(5% off)
Soldiers and Politicians
by Brig Chandra B. Khanduri & Brig P.N. Khanduri
(5% off)
China's Approach towards Territorial Disputes: Lessons and P...
by Sana Hashmi
(10% off)
Securing Cyberspace: International and Asian Perspectives
by Edited by Cherian Samuel and Munish Sharma
(10% off)
Escape from Namka Chu: A Love Story Based On India-China War...
by Brig Madan M Bhanot
(0% off)
Environmental Security : New Challenges and Role of Military
by P.K. Gautam
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Encyclopaedia of World Conflicts (3 Vols-Set)
by Henry Norman
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Encyclopaedia of South-East and South Asian Security (5 Vols...
by Satinder Kumar
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Encyclopaedia of Nuclear Arms Control and Non-Proliferation ...
by Edited by R.S. Mehta
(0% off)
Encyclopaedia of Missile Defence and Non Proliferation (2 Vo...
by Edited by Raj Mehta
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Electronic Warfare
(0% off)
Encyclopaedia of Indian Army (9 Vols-Set)
by V P Malhotra
(0% off)
Drone Operations: A Jurislogue
by G. S. Sachdeva
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Dictionary of Wars
by George Childs Kohn
(0% off)
Dictionary of Military Terms
by R. Prasad
(0% off)
Dictionary of Military Quotations
by Peter G. Tsouras
(0% off)
Demystifying Military Leadership
by H.B. Kala
(0% off)
Defence Yearbook 2010-2011
by S. Padmanabhan and S. Pattabhiraman
(0% off)
Defence Yearbook 2009-2010
by S. Padmanabhan and S. Pattabhiraman
(0% off)
Defence Planning : Problems and Prospects
by V P Malik and Vinod Anand
(0% off)
Defence Offsets Unscrambled
by Sanjiv Aggarwal
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Defence Economics
by Bharat Vohra
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Dangerous Deterrent : Nuclear Weapons Proliferation and Conf...
by S Paul Kapur
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Cyber Terrorism and Military Preparedness: An International ...
by Randhir Pal
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Culture of the Sepulchre
by Madanjeet Singh
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