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Tibetan Medical Dietary Book Vol - I Potency & Preparation o...
by Dr Yangbum Gyal Translated & Edited by Dr Tenzin Namdul
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Tibetan Medicine and other Holistic Health Care Systems (Ind...
by Tom Dummer
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The Yoga: Eternal Way to Health (How to follow your inner gu...
by Shakta Khalsa
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Yoga Parijat: Rajyog (Hindi)
by Mrudula Trivedi and T P Trivedi
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Bharatiya Darshan me Samadhi Prampara (sandarb: Baudha evam ...
by Dr Vasim Khan
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Sri Aurobindo: His Life and Yoga Paperback (Reprint Edition,...
by Pramode Kumar Sen
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Advanced Acupuncture Therapy
by Arjun L Agrawal and Govind N Sharma
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Clinical Practice of Acupuncture (Second Edition) Hardback
by Arjun Lal Agrawal and G N Sharma
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Do We Care? India's Health System
by K. Sujatha Rao
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Light on Life: The Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace and Ult...
by B K S Iyengar with John J Evans and Douglas Abrams
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The Yoga of the Yogi: The Legacy of T Krishnamacharya
by Dr Kausthub Desikachar
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The Book of Secrets: 112 Meditations to Discover the Mystery...
by Osho
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Innovation: Why, What and How
by Sanjiv Narang
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Mindfulness The Master Key Paperback
by Swami Chaitanya Keerti
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Overweight and Obesity: An Anthropological Paramount
by Swapan Kumar Kolay, Sushila D, Mahant and Deepika Thakur...
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Right to Health Under Indian Law
by Sunita Kashyap
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The Yogadarsana: Comprising Yogasutra with Vyasabhasya: Orig...
by Ram Nath Jha
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Science in Saffron: Skeptical Essays on History of Science (...
by Meera Nanda
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Silent Meditation: The Simples Meditation on Planet Earth
by Sandeep Kumar
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Yoga the Divine Solution
by Anand Mehta
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I Want Healthy Kids: A Practical Guide to Building Healthy N...
by Alia Almoayed
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Aatray Ayurvedic Acupressure (Based on Mega Meridians) Easy ...
by J P Agarwal and Km. Parul Agarwal Translated by Smt. Arch...
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Dhanwantari Ayurvedic Acupressure (Based on Heart & Circulat...
by J P Agarwal and Km. Parul Agarwal Translated by Smt. Arch...
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Param Sukshma Abhinav Acupressure/Acupunture Volume 2 (A Tre...
by J P Agarwal and Km. Parul Agarwal
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Dhanwantari Ayurvedic Acupressure (Pravah Tantra Aadharit) (...
by J P Agarwal and Km. Parul Agarwal
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