Om Publications
Aquaculture and Fisheries
13 Fish Farming and Fishery Projects, CD Only
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A Case Study on Intensification for Freshwater Fish Culture ...
by N.K. Bose and Shambhu Dhir
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A Complete Book on Fish Genetics and Aquatic Environment
by Shambhu Dhir
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A Draught of Fishes
by F.D. Ommanney
(0% off)
A Field Guide to Fishes (Chilika Lake, Orissa, East Coast of...
by D.V. Rao
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A Guide to Reptiles and Fishes
by Edited by A. Gunther
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A Guide to the Fossil Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes
by Albert Gunther and A. Smith Woodward
(0% off)
A Hand Book of Fish Farming
by S C Agarwal
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A Handbook of Ornamental Fishes of the Brahmaputra Basin
by J.N. Das and S.P. Biswas
(0% off)
A History of Fishes
by J.R. Norman
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A Text Book of Aquaculture
by M. Srinivasulu Reddy and K.R.S. Sambasiva Rao
(10% off)
A Text Book of Fish Biology and Fisheries
by S S Khanna and H R Singh
(0% off)
A Text Book of Fishery Science and Indian Fisheries
by C.B.L. Srivastava
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A Textbook of Fish and Fisheries
by Rajendra Kumar
(0% off)
A Textbook of Pisciculture and Aquarium Keeping (Reprint Edi...
by H.S. Jagtap, S.N. Mukherjee and V.K. Garad,
(10% off)
A-Z Fish and Fisheries
by J.K. Roshan
(0% off)
A-Z of Fisheries and Aquaculture Technology
by K.D. Bhardwaj
(0% off)
A-Z of Industrial Marine Fisheries in Asia
by A.C. Long
(0% off)
Advancement of Fish Fisheries and Technology
by K.P. Biswas
(7% off)
Advances in Aquatic Ecology : Vol. 5
by Edited by Vishwas B. Sakhare
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Advances in Aquatic Ecology : Vol. 6
by edited by Vishwas B. Sakhare
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Advances in Aquatic Ecology : Vol. 8
by Edited by Vishwas B. Sakhare and B. Vasanthkumar
(0% off)
Advances in Aquatic Ecology, Vol. I
by Edited by Vishwas B Sakhare
(0% off)
Advances in Aquatic Ecology, Vol. II
by Edited by Vishwas B Sakhare
(0% off)
Advances in Aquatic Ecology, Vol. IV
by Edited by Vishwas B. Sakhare
(0% off)